After signing in to the Partner Commerce application, you are redirected to the home page, which contains all the following information of a user (Account) on your vendor's website. The header section on the top provides capabilities such as searching for the product, reviewing the main and mini cart, review and manage the account information by clicking the Account dropdown.

  • Overview
    • Weekly Orders Count
    • Total Spending Amount
    • Account Information
    • Recent Orders placed in the current week
    • Recent Quotes placed in the current week
  • My Orders
    • Total Order Count
    • Total Order Amount
    • List of all the Orders
      • Search for the specific order
      • Set the number of orders to be displayed per page
  • My Quotes
    • Total Quote Count
    • Total Quote Amount
    • List of all the Quotes
      • Search for the particular quote
      • Set the number of quotes to be displayed per page
  • My Carts
    • Total Cart Count
    • Create New Cart
    • List of all the Cart
      • Search for the particular cart
      • Set the number of carts to be displayed per page
    • Delete the selected Cart(s)
    • Set the Active Cart
  • My Favorites
    • Total Favorite Count
    • List of all the Favorites
      • Search for the specific favorite configuration
      • Set the number of favorites to be displayed per page
      • Filter the list using any of the column names
  • Product Catalog
    • Product List
      • Product list view
      • Set the number of products to be displayed per page
      • Sort By - Relevance or Name
  • My Account Settings
    • User Information
    • Account Information
    • Change Password