The Carts home page or My Carts page displays a list of all carts that you have created for the selected account. The cart list displays carts with the following information:

  • Name
  • Created Date
  • Number of Items
  • Is Active
  • Total Amount
  • Status

To retrieve the selected account's cart data, use the following API call with the appropriate parameters:

GET https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/carts/v1/carts

For example: https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/carts/v1/carts?filter=eq(Account.Id:'<actual accountId>')&filter=noteq(Status:'Saved')&sort=DESC(ModifiedDate)&Page=1&limit=10

From the My Carts page, you can:

  • Create a cart: You can create a cart by clicking New Cart.

    To create a cart, use the following API call:

    POST https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/carts/v1/carts

  • Search a cart: You can search for the cart to refine the cart list. Enter a keyword related to the name. It displays all carts that contain that keyword.

    To search the particular cart, use the following API call with the filter parameter:

    GET https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/carts/v1/carts

  • Delete a cart: Select a particular cart from the list and then:
    Click the more () icon > select the Delete option.
    Select a particular cart from the list > click the delete () icon.

    To delete the cart, use the following API call:

    DELETE https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/carts/v1/carts

  • Set a cart as active: Select a particular cart from the list > click the more () icon > select the Is Active option to make that cart a primary cart. The active cart is highlighted with a green color. Changing the active cart with a different pricelist displays the categories and products of the selected pricelist on the cart in real time.

    To set the other cart as active, use the following API call with respective parameters:

    PATCH https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/carts/v1/carts

  • Sort the cart list: You can sort the cart list by clicking the Name, Created Date, and Status column names.
  • Set pagination: You can specify how many carts should be displayed on a single page. To enable pagination, go to the per page field on the top right bar and select a value from 10, 20, 30, or 40 carts per page.

    For sorting and pagination, use the following API call adding the page, limit, and sort parameters:

    GET https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/carts/v1/carts

    For example: https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/carts/v1/carts?filter=eq(Account.Id:'<actual accountId>')&sort=ASC(Name)&Page=1&limit=10

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