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Payment Integration with Cybersource Payment
You can use Cybersource Payment Gateway with Partner Commerce to perform payments for Orders. This section describes how you can integrate Cybersource Payment with Partner Commerce.
You must have already installed the CPQ and Billing Management packages.
The following four Billing objects store record entries that are used by the Cybersource unmanaged package for every transaction.
Object Name
When a transaction is successfully completed with a success message, a new entry is made in the Payment object with regards to the order.
Payment Method
This object stores the data for saving payment detail for future use.
Gateway Transaction
This object creates a new record every time a payment request to Cybersource is sent and updates the status when a response is received.
Gateway Communication
This is a child object of Gateway Transaction. This object creates a new entry for each request and response payload.
The following diagram illustrates the relationship of Salesforce objects:
To implement payment integration using Cybersource
Download and install the Cybersource unmanaged package from the repository. This package includes all the related objects, labels, classes, and permissions with some rest API resources. Based on these resources the payment integration is executed through classes.