Conga Quote-to-Cash for Dynamics 365 allows you to create and manage Conga quotes in Dynamics 365. When you create a quote in Dynamics, the same quote record and its data is synced to Conga. You can then add products, configure, and perform other actions on the cart in Conga. 

To create a new Quote

  1. Log in to Microsoft Dynamics 365.
  2. Go to  Sales Hub > Sales > Quotes. The list of quotes is displayed in a grid.
  3. From the page header, click New. The Quote Summary page is displayed.
  4. Enter values for the following required fields:

    NameEnter a name for the quote.
    AccountThe account to associate with the quote (depending on your configuration, the field may have a label other than account; for example, "Potential Customer")
    Price List

    Use the lookup to find the Price List to use for this quote.

    StatusWhen creating a new quote, set the status to "Draft".
  5. Complete additional fields as required.
  6. Click Save. The quote data is immediately synced to Conga. 
  7. To add and configure products, click Configure Products. You are redirected to the Conga quoting cart. 
  8. Add and configure products and bundles to the quote in Conga. Refer to CPQ documentation for step-by-step information on working with the cart.

    Click the Back to Quote button above the cart lines any time to close the cart and return to the Quote Summary page in Dynamics.

  9. Click Finalize to finalize the cart and return to the Dynamics 365 Quote Summary page. Quote, quote line items, and pricing information is synced back to Dynamics (based on sync configuration in Conga-Dynamics 365 connector). Configured products are displayed on the page in the Products section of the summary.