After finalizing the quote, you can generate the proposal document and send it to the appropriate recipients.

To generate the Conga Proposal document

  1. From the Quote header in Dynamics 365, click Generate Document. You are redirected from Dynamics 365 to the Conga Proposal generation page.
  2. Click New Proposal Document. Choose the proposal template and click Generate.
  3. The Proposal document is generated and displayed in a preview on the right side of the screen.
  4. Add additional documents if required and click Email to email the generated proposal to one or more recipients.

    For detailed, step-by-step information on managing proposal documents in Conga, refer to Conga CPQ documentation.

  5. Click Go to Proposal. The proposal page is displayed in Conga.
  6. From the Quote/Proposal in Conga, click Back to Quote to return to the Quote Summary page in Dynamics 365. The status of the quote is set to "Generated" and the document is attached to the quote record in Dynamics under the Details tab.