Category: Activity Logging Parameter

Compatible with: Conga Quote Generation

Parameter Name: MFTSValue1

Parameter Value: [text]

Parameter Requirements: UF0 and MFTS1

Parameter Description: MFTSValue1 (Master Field to Set Value 1) determines the value of the master field to be set.

Do not use with &, %, < or > or other special characters.

If you are using a date/time field you should use this syntax: &MFTSValue0=Now

You can use TODAY to set the Master Field to Set Value to today's date:

Examples: &MFTSValue0={!TEXT(TODAY())} or &MFTSValue0=TODAY or &MFTSValue0=TODAY or &MFTSValue0={!Today}

If run in a formula (using Conga Batch or Conga Trigger), TODAY needs to be treated as Static text.

