The ability to create Solutions Collections is a new feature for Conga Quote Generation. When you create a new solution through Conga Quote Generation, you can choose to add it to an existing collection of solutions or create a new collection.

To create a new solution collection, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Collection Step of the Document Automation Wizard.
  2. Click Create Collection.
  3. Enter a Collection Name.
  4. Enter an optional brief Description.
  5. Click the + sign next to the listed solution you want to add to your new collection.
  6. Click Save.

To add a solution to an existing solution collection, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Collection Step of the Conga Quote Generation Document Automation Wizard.
  2. Under Available Solution Collection, click on the name of the collection where you want to add your new solution.
  3. Click the + icon beside the solution you want to add to the existing collection.
  4. Click Save.