Assemble PDF Documents. Specifies whether merged PDF documents will be saved as individual PDF documents or consolidated into one document.

Category: Output Parameter

Compatible with: Conga Quote Generation

Parameter Name: APDF

Parameter Value: [0 or 1]

Parameter Requirements: Multiple Template IDs specified (ex: &TemplateId=a01268Hc74Vb9Mh, a0149mJh85ht78Cxj).

Parameter Description: APDF stands for Assemble PDF Documents. The parameter specifies whether merged PDF documents are saved as individual PDF documents or consolidated into one document

&APDF=0 does not apply to output files emailed through Salesforce. In that case, the output PDFs will be zipped.

Parameter ValueDefinition
0Individual PDFs will not be assembled, but rather left as individual PDFs.
1Individual PDFs will be assembled into one consolidated PDF file. (default)

