Remove Reassign Signer is an optional setting that allows Administrators to enable or disable the Reassign Signer option. Reassign Signer allows a recipient to reassign the Conga Sign Transaction to a different recipient. Disabling this setting prevents signers from reassigning. 

To setup reassign signer

  1. Navigate to Conga Sign Setup and go to Org Configuration
  2. Under Reassign the Signer, modify the toggles to enable/disable Reassign Signer from either the organization level or transaction level respectively. 

Enabled per OrganizationEnabled per TransactionResult
EnabledDisabledReassign is not available on the Create Transaction screen but is available on the received email. 
EnabledEnabledReassign is available on the Create Transaction screen and is also available on the received email.
DisabledDisabledReassign is disabled for the organization and not available on the received email. 

If Reassign Signers is disabled for the entire Organization, it prevents recipients from reassigning from individual transactions.