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Setting Up Callback Notifications
Callback Event Notifications allow you to be automatically notified of events that are related to a package or transactions. When a specific event occurs, the system automatically sends a message to a destination that you specify.
Location in the UI
To find the callback area from the UI, log into Conga Sign and click Admin > Event Notification. After you run your code, you will be able to check here to make sure it ran successfully.
Available Notifications
The following table lists the notifications that are available:
In the following table:
- The maximum size for all sessionUser field is 255 characters.
- The maximum size for all packageId field is 255 characters.
- The sessionUser field depends on whether or not the event was generated by a sender, or by a signer. Sender triggered events will have the sender ID. Signer triggered events will have the signer ID.
Event | Event Description | JSON Payload |
DOCUMENT_SIGNED | A document was signed, or Consent and/or Disclosure Agreements were accepted. | { "name": "DOCUMENT_SIGNED","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","documentId": "......", (max 256 chars)"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
DOCUMENT_VIEWED | A document was viewed. | { "name": "DOCUMENT_VIEWED","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","documentId": "......", (max 256 chars)"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
EMAIL_BOUNCE | An email has bounced. The bounce types are the following:
| { "name": "EMAIL_BOUNCE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","message": "bounce type","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
BA_FAILURE | There was a KBA Authentication failure. | { "name": "KBA_FAILURE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_ACTIVATE | A package was moved from the status DRAFT or DELETED to the status SENT. By default, a package is created in the DRAFT state, and is moved to the SENT state when it's ready to be processed by signers. | { "name": "PACKAGE_ACTIVATE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_ARCHIVE | A callback notification indicates that a package has been archived. | { "name": "PACKAGE_ARCHIVE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_ATTACHMENT | A callback notification indicates that a signer has uploaded an attachment. | { "name": "PACKAGE_ATTACHMENT","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","message": "attachment name", (max 255 chars)"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_COMPLETE | A package has completed the signing process. If there are multiple signers then the "sessionUser": "...", will be the signer ID of the last signer to sign. | { "name": 'PACKAGE_COMPLETE',"sessionUser": '...',"packageId": '......',"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_CREATE | A package has been created. Thus the Originating System can record Conga Sign's package ID, together with the Originating System's transaction ID. | { "name": "PACKAGE_CREATE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_DEACTIVATE | A package's status has changed from SENT to DRAFT. | { "name": "PACKAGE_DEACTIVATE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_DECLINE | A recipient has declined to sign a package, and has specified a reason for doing so, the Originating System can use that reason to determine the next step for the package. | { "name": "PACKAGE_DECLINE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","message": "decline reason", (max 4000 chars)"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_DELETE | A package has been deleted from the Conga Sign system. | { "name": "PACKAGE_DELETE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_EXPIRE | A package has exceeded its expiration date. | { "name": "PACKAGE_EXPIRE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "...","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_READY_FOR_COMPLETE | A package has been marked as DO_NOT_AUTOCOMPLETE. An action by the sender will be required to complete the package. | { "name": "PACKAGE_READY_FOR_COMPLETE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_RESTORE | A package was trashed, but is being moved back to the state it was in before it was trashed. | { "name": "PACKAGE_RESTORE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
PACKAGE_TRASH | A package was moved to the trash folder in Conga Sign's Inbox (status = TRASH). | { "name": "PACKAGE_TRASH","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
ROLE_REASSIGN | A signer has delegated their signature to another signer. | { "name": "ROLE_REASSIGN","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","newRoleId": "......", (max 255 chars)"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
SIGNER_COMPLETE | A signer has completed signing all documents. | { "name": "SIGNER_COMPLETE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
SIGNER_LOCKED | A callback notification indicates that a signer has been locked out due to repeated SMS/Q&A authentication failures. | { "name": "SIGNER_LOCKED","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
TEMPLATE_CREATE | A callback notification indicates that a template has been created. | { "name": "TEMPLATE_CREATE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" } |
Receiving Event Notifications
After registering to get notifications for one or more event types, you need only listen for the associated notifications. When a relevant event is triggered, Conga Sign sends an HTTP POST to your registered URL. That message contains a payload in JSON format, describing the event that triggered the notification. The callback key you registered is passed through the Authorization header as "Basic {callbackKey}". You have use this to make sure you are receiving notifications that contain the shared secret, so you know you are not getting spoof calls and can react accordingly.
Here are some examples of callback payloads:
Package was Created
Package was Sent
Signer 1 accepted consent document
Signer 1 completed a document
Signer 1 completed signing package
Package was Complete
To set up Callback Notifications
The examples below demonstrate three approaches to setup callback notifications with webhooks.
Basic Authentication
HTTP Request
PUT /api/callback/register
HTTP Headers
Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json
Request Payload
"authType": "Basic",
"username": "your.username",
"password": "your.password"
All fields are required when creating or updating the callback. When you provide an empty string for the callbackUrl, it disables the callback.
Response Payload
"authType": "Basic",
"username": "your.username",
"password": "your.password"
Bearer Token Authentication
HTTP Request
PUT /api/callback/register
HTTP Headers
Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json
Request Payload
"authType": "Bearer",
"bearerToken": "your.bearer.token"
All fields are required when creating or updating the callback. When you provide an empty string for the callbackUrl, it disables the callback.
Response Payload
"authType": "Bearer",
"bearerToken": "your.bearer.token"
No Authentication
HTTP Request
PUT /api/callback/register
HTTP Headers
Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json
Request Payload
"authType": "None"
All fields are required when creating or updating the callback. When you provide an empty string for the callbackUrl, it disables the callback.
Response Payload
"authType": "None"