Optional Signatures give your signers the flexibility to complete a transaction without having them sign all the signature fields in their documents. This feature is useful for documents that require the signer to either accept or decline sections of a form.

At least one signer must have either a required signature or a separate Accept Only document for a transaction to be completed. This does not include the default consent form.

Creating Optional Signatures

The following code will make the Signature object optional:

If you need a comparison to the basic object creation procedure, or if this is the first time creating a transaction, see Creating and Sending a Transaction.

HTTP Request

POST /api/packages

HTTP Headers

Accept: application/json   
Content-Type: application/json   
Authorization: Bearer access_token

Request Payload

------WebKitFormBoundary1bNO60n7FqP5WO4t   Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="optional signature basic usage.pdf"   Content-Type: application/pdf   %PDF-1.5   %µµµµ   1 0 obj   <>>>   endobj....   ------WebKitFormBoundary1bNO60n7FqP5WO4t   Content-Disposition: form-data; name="payload"   {   "documents": [   {   "approvals": [   {   "fields": [   {   "height": 50,   "left": 100,   "page": 0,   "subtype": "FULLNAME",   "top": 100,   "type": "SIGNATURE",   "width": 200   }   ],   "id":"signature1",   "role": "Role1"   },   {   "fields": [   {   "height": 50,   "left": 100,   "page": 0,   "subtype": "FULLNAME",   "top": 300,   "type": "SIGNATURE",   "width": 200   }   ],   "id":"signature2",   "role": "Role1",   "optional": true   }   ],   "name": "Test Document"   }   ],   "name": "Optional Signature Basic Usage REST",   "roles": [   {   "id": "Role1",   "signers": [   {   "email": "signer1@example.com",   "firstName": "1.firstname",   "lastName": "1.lastname",   "company": "Conga Sign"   }   ]   }   ],   "type": "PACKAGE",   "status": "SENT"   }   ------WebKitFormBoundary1bNO60n7FqP5WO4t--

For a complete description of each field, see the Request Payload Table below. 

Response Payload

{   "id": "7g-LhL0zEzN0jZi7Yccell7y6jA="   }

Creating Optional Signatures With Document Extraction

To make a signature field optional, apply the following format to your PDF form:


The last .Optional part is extended in order to set the signature as optional. Here are a few examples:

  • Signatures are by default required, so only add .Optional when necessary.
  • PDF form name syntax is case insensitive, including the Role Name and Custom ID of the signer.[Agent1.Fullname1.Optional] is treated the same as [AGENT1.FULLNAME1.OPTIONAL].
  • This syntax extension is only available for signatures and will not be recognized when creating any other fields. Names like [Agent1.Fullname1.Textfield1.Optional] will not work.