Due to limitations imposed by Salesforce you cannot enable more than 50 objects for Push Based Sync. Please be aware of the following:
- This is applicable across all consumer profiles. Meaning that any objects marked for Push Based Sync contribute to the overall limit.
- For objects marked for Push Based Sync in multiple consumer profiles, the object only counts once towards the maximum.
- For complex objects any child or reference objects also marked for Push Based Sync will be counted towards the maximum.
In addition, if you exceed the Salesforce limit for PushTopic events in a 24-hour period (this is determined by your Salesforce edition — see link below) any objects marked for Push Based Sync will sync only as scheduled in the Data Sync Admin. After the 24-hour period expires (measured 24 hours from the initial PushTopic Event) Push Based Sync will resume until the limit is reached again.