Admin Settings are system properties with different values; you can use them for different purposes. Use the following admin and customs settings, to conform your implementation's behavior to your unique business requirements. 

To create admin entries

  1. Log in to Salesforce.

  2. Click + and click Admin. All the out-of-the-box admin settings are displayed on the Admin home page. You can add or create new Admin entries based on your organisation's requirements.

  3. To create a new Admin entry, click New.
  4. Type Name, Value, and Code for the admin setting and click Save. Your new admin entry is saved and added.

Admin Settings in TurboEngines

The following content provides information about admin entries available for TurboEngines along with their values and purposes. The following properties enhance the performance of the pricing engine. 


This Admin setting defines whether the system calls the quick restore API when you navigate to a custom VF page using a custom button on the Cart and Config page or not. 



Data TypeBoolean
  • True:  The system calls the quick restore API on navigating a custom VF page  (for example, Custom Display Action) using a custom button on the cart or config page.
  • False: The system does not call quick restore API. Instead, you must perform quick redirects without doing any other actions.


APTS_PricingCartRestoreMode allows you to restore the line items when they are modified after saving the cart. Whenever you modify the line items after saving the cart, those modifications must display on the cart page whenever you launch the cart. To achieve this, you must configure the following admin setting to communicate line item changes between Salesforce and TurboPricing. This setting was formerly known as APTS_RestoreLinesOnChange.

For any reason, if you relaunch the cart when the turbo cart does not exist, CPQ ignores this setting and restores the full cart in the turbo flow. This setting becomes effective from the subsequent cart launch.



Data TypeString
  • quick:  CPQ sends price pending line items to turbo pricing on cart launch.
  • full: CPQ restores the complete payload for all line items.