The following table lists the features supported or not supported. For information on the listed features, refer to CPQ for Administrators.


Available in TurboPricing

Price WaterfallManage Price PipelineYes
Manage Price Pipeline RulesetYes
Price Calculation
Bundle Pricing

Price included in bundle set at PLIYes
Price included in bundle set at BundleYes
Price Adjustments at BundleYes
Rollup method Flat at Bundle levelYes
Rollup method Per Unit at Bundle levelYes
Auto sequencing of options

Yes. To use this feature, you must enable it in Config System Properties.

Contract pricing when the same option exists in multiple bundlesNo
Defaulting Quantity

Defaulting quantity for Bundles/Multiple ChargesYes
Defaulting quantity FROM Product AttributeYes
Default quantity derived FROM Advanced FormulaYes
Defaulting TermDefaulting term for Bundles/Multiple ChargesYes
Price List Item
Price Method

Use of Tiered Rates*Yes
Use of Per Unit Price methodYes
Use of Flat price Price methodYes

Use of Daily FrequencyNo
Use of Weekly FrequencyNo
Use of Frequencies Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, YearlyYes
Use of any Custom FrequencyNo
Price Type

Use of Price Type - Included UsageNo
Use of Price Type - One TimeYes
Use of Price Type - Per unitYes
Use of Price Type - UsageYes
Use of Price Type - RecurringYes
LineItem UpdateRead-only quantityYes
Read-only Selling termYes
Price Methods
ProrationAllow Proration set on PLIYes
Price Method Per UnitUse of Price Method Per UnitYes
Price Method Flat PriceUse of Price Method Flat priceYes
Pricing Methods
Min/Max Price

Min/Max Price applies to BasePriceYes
Min/Max Price applies to BaseExtendedPriceNo
Min/Max Price applies to ExtendedPriceYes
Price Ramps

Use of Price RampsYes
Use of Auto Ramp creationYes
Use of Price ramp overlapYes
Use of Price EscalatorsNo
Use of Ramp Option without ramping bundleNo
Defer PricingDefer Pricing


This feature is also not supported when the Unified Cart is enabled in your org.

Use of auto repriceNo. When the TurboPricing is enabled, you must disable Enable Auto Reprice in Config System Properties to overcome the pricing issues. 
Cost Models
Cost ModelsCost ModelsNo
Currency Conversion

Use of Multi-CurrenciesYes
Use of Dated Exchange Rates

Yes, it supports the following scenarios.

  • List Price
  • Price Matrices
  • Product Option Price
  • Conditional charge type
  • Custom field Pricing
  • Manual Adjustments
  • Related Pricing
  • Price Rule Sets (if and only if currency conversion is turned on)
  • Price Tiers
  • Formula Pricing (With Reference Type)
  • Rounding mode
  • Promotion
  • Proration
  • Contract Price
Disable Currency Conversion Rate for a Price ListYes
Currency conversion enabled at a rule see the levelYes
UOM Conversion

Use of UOM ConversionsYes
Use of Product specific conversion ratesYes
Use of Product Family-specific conversion ratesYes
Price Method
Price MethodUse of Price Method PercentageNo. You must switch to Related Price List Items
Related Pricing
Related Pricing

Use of Related Price Lists in PricingNo. You must switch to Related Price List Items
Source PLI set on Related Price List ItemYes
Source product and charge typeset on Related Price List ItemYes
Source product group and charge typeset on Related Price List ItemYes
Source product family and charge typeset on Related Price List ItemYes
Source Custom Group and charge typeset on Related Price List ItemYes
Adjustments in Related PricingAdjustment defined on PLIYes
Adjustment defined on Related Price List ItemYes
Price Rule Set
Header Scope and Criteria

Use of Effectivity period and Active flagYes
Use of Scope Fields - price list, charge type, product family, product category, product groupYes
Use of Advanced CriteriaYes
Use of Advanced Criteria with Line Item Reference FieldsYes
Use of Wildcards in Advanced CriteriaYes
Application Level Bundle or Line ItemYes
Application Level AggregateNo
Use of StopProcessingMoreRules flagYes
Dimension based Price Rules

Use of StopProcessingMoreRules flagYes
Use of Adjustment applies to - Base PriceYes
Use of Adjustment applies to - Base Extended PriceYes
Use of Adjustment applies to - Extended PriceNo
Criteria based Price Rules

Use of StopProcessingMoreRules flagYes
Use of Adjustment applies to - Base PriceYes
Use of Adjustment applies to - Base Extended PriceYes
Use of Adjustment applies to - Extended PriceNo
Match in Product GroupYes
Match in AssetNo
Price Dimension
Use of Un-supported Price Dimension TypesUse of Un-supported Price Dimension Types - any type Except Line Item, Product Attribute, and Formula FieldNo
Use of Custom Price Dimension TypesUse of Custom Price Dimension TypesNo. You must convert this to Formula Field.
Service CPQService CPQNo
Manual Adjustments

Line level adjustmentsYes
Group adjustmentsYes
Group adjustment spreadYes
Line-level adjustment of usage price tiersYes
Usage Tier ModifiableYes
Misc Charge TypesYes

Adjustment BucketingNo
Ability to create multiple AdjustmentsYes
Auto-refresh Usage price tiersNo

Calculate Net Adjustment % before rounding the Net Price

Bundle/Option level manual AdjustmentsLine-level adjustmentsYes
Bundle/Option level AdjustmentsGroup adjustmentsYes
Asset-Based Ordering
TerminateTerminate an asset (Standalone and Bundle)Yes
Edit fields Capability in the intermediate page of Terminate OperationYes
ABO Cancellation after performing other operationsYes
Use of 'Same day cancellation' flagYes
Terminate an asset from Original Asset Start Date post Change or Renew Operation (It requires Billing Services Integration in case the customer is using Conga Billing Services)No (Net price in the cart does not consider Asset TCV values)
Cancellation of Options during Change Operation gives accurate Asset TCV, Net price, and Billing schedules (It requires Billing Services Integration in case the customer is using Conga Billing Services)No (For example, rounding off of Net Price is expected USD 6.00023, but being shown as USD 6.00000 in cart)
ChangeChange an asset (Standalone and Bundle)Yes
Changing the Configuration of an asset (Configuration fields, Remove Options, Attributes)Yes
Swapping an AssetYes
Change (Advanced)

Updating the quantity for an Asset

Yes. You can change the quantity from the same date or specified dates or can add a new quantity or change the existing quantities.

Splitting an AssetYes
Split and Renew an AssetYes
Split and Swap an AssetYes
RenewRenewing an asset (Standalone and Bundle), Single and Multiple Charge TypesYes
Auto-renewal of an asset with Renewal Adjustment Type and Renewal Adjustment AmountYes
Precedence within Auto-renewal Term, Default Renewal Term, and Selling Term while Auto-renewing an assetYes
Selective display of Cotermination options during renewalYes
Auto-closure Process with Quote and AgreementYes
SwapSwapping an Asset with another AssetYes
OtherDelta Price SummationYes

Delta Price AdjustmentYes

Loading a Line with Asset Price for selective statusesYes

Loading a Line with Asset Price and Switching the status conditionallyYes
Other application types except PromotionUse of Price Program, Loyalty, Rebate, Milestone Incentive, or CustomNo
Promotions applied on Line Item and Summary GroupPromotions applied on Line Item and Summary GroupYes
Promotions applied on other itemsPromotions applied on other items except Line Item and Summary GroupNo
Support for Promotion type - Own every X Get Y, Support for Promotion type - Own every X Get YSupport for Promotion type - Own every X Get YNo
Support for other Promotion types - except Own every X Get Y, Support for Promotion types - except Own every X Get YSupport for other Promotion types - except Own every X Get YYes
Support for other promotion types: Every X Get XSupport for other promotion types: Own Every X Get XYes
Incentive LimitsSupport for Promotion LimitsYes
Incentive CouponsSupport for Coupon LimitsNo
Sales PromotionsSales PromotionsNo
Advanced Criteria set in Price RulesetSupport for Incentive Criteria on Price RulesetYes
Advanced Criteria with Reference Fields on Price RulesetAdvanced Criteria with Reference Fields on Price RulesetYes
Quote collaborationQuote collaborationYes
Favorite ConfigurationsUse of Favorite ConfigurationsYes
Smart CartsUse of Smart CartsNo
Submit for ApprovalSubmit for ApprovalYes
CopyCopy productsYes
Cart Line Item
RevalidateRevalidate**Yes, Partially supported in TurboPricing.
Totaling and Summary Groups
Adhoc TotalingAdhoc TotalingYes
Deal Guidance
Deal GuidanceDeal GuidanceYes

Pricing CallbackYes. The Pricing Callback is supported in the form of "PricingBaseCallback" and "PricingTotallingCallback" in Turbo Pricing Engine.
Validation CallbackYes
Cart Approval CallbackYes
Advanced Approval CallbackNo
Loyalty Cycle CallbackNo
Bulk Loyalty Point Callback ClassNo
Adjustment Spread CallbackYes. You can use the new TurboPricing Callback instead.
Loyalty Point CallbackNo
Related Pricing CallbackYes
Pricing Extension CallbackNo. You can use the new TurboPricing Callback instead.
User Experience
Bundle-specific option line item updateRead-only quantityYes
Read-only selling termYes
LineItem UpdateLine level adjustmentsYes

Group adjustmentsYes
Smart Search

Adding weightage to the productsYes

Using Typeahead featureYes