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Using this feature, you can define the locale of your templates in X-Author for Contracts (Windows). The localization feature allows you to define locale settings for Number, Currency, Precision, and Date fields. You can generate a document in Conga CLM using the template that you have created in X-Author for Contracts (Windows) and check out or open the generated document in X-Author for Contracts Advanced (MAC). X-Author for Contracts Advanced supports multiple locales.


You must create the template in X-Author for Contracts Advanced (Windows) using the latest X-Author for Contracts Advanced Salesforce Template.

Enable Formatting must be selected when the template is created, cloned, or checked in. For more information on localization and a list of supported locales, see Defining Template Locale.

When you open a generated document in X-Author for Contracts Advanced the following conditions are applicable for a localized agreement:

  • If you import an offline agreement document, the default English (United States) locale settings are applied to the document.
  • If you use the "Update From CLM" option, the values are updated from Conga CLM in the document according to the locale settings of the template/fields.
  • If you have Doc Fields in the document and validate them, the Doc Fields are validated based on the locale settings of the template or fields.
  • If you update Smart Fields with locale settings, you can view the updates when you use Preview Reconciliation and Reconciliation options.
  • If you have Mark Fields in the document, you need to enter the values in the default English (United States) format and the value is converted according to the template/fields locale.
  • If you insert a Clause either by using the Insert or Insert Smart option, the document inherits the locale settings of the agreement template if the clause does not have any locale settings.
  • If you insert a Clause either by using the Insert or Insert Smart option, the document inherits the locale settings of the clause if the clause has locale settings.
  • If you are connected to a multicurrency org, the currency is displayed based on the record level currency.