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Promoting Clauses to Clause Library

You can promote a marked clause from an agreement to the clause library to make that clause a part of the clause library's clause repository. When you mark a text as a clause in an agreement, the highlighted text acquires smartness and becomes a clause. However, a marked clause is only considered a clause for that agreement instance and when you regenerate the agreement, the marked clause is lost. If you want to reuse the same marked clause for that agreement record even after regenerating the document or want to make the marked clause available for other agreements and users, you can use Promote Clause to make it a part of the Clause Library.


You must have a marked clause either in the template or in an agreement document.

To promote a clause to the Clause Library

  1. Open Microsoft Word and launch the add-in.
  2. Log in to X-Author for Contracts Advanced and open your document.
  3. In the Contracts pane go to Work > Promote Clauses. If you cannot see Promote Clauses under the Work tab, click the More icon () and from the menu, select Promote Clauses.
  4. From the list of marked clauses, select the clause you want to promote to the clause library and click Promote Clause.

    The Promote Clause form inherits field values from the marked clause.

  5. You can change the following field values based on your requirement.



    Clause Name

    Enter a new name of the clause.


    Select a category for your clause. The values of the categories are defined by your admin and help in filtering the clauses. The picklist is displayed from the Agreement clause object.

    • The values of the Agreement object and Agreement Clauses object must match.
    • If the Category and Subcategory do not match the Template object, then you must manually select the category and subcategory when marking a clause.


    Select a subcategory for your clause. Options in the list will change based on the category you selected. The picklist is displayed from the Agreement clause object.

    • The values of the Agreement object and Agreement Clauses object must match.
    • If the Category and Subcategory do not match the Template object, then you must manually select the category and subcategory when marking a clause.


    Choose the default clause language.


    Enter a new description or modify the existing description for the clause. Maximum of 255 characters (an error will be thrown if this limit is exceeded).


    Enter new guidance or modify existing guidance to help users determine the purpose of the clause.


    Enter comma-separated keywords to associate with the template. Keywords make it easier to search the templates.

  6. Click Save.

You have promoted the clause to the Clause Library. You can open the Clause Library and search the promoted clause to use it in any other document or template.

  • When Template Versioning is enabled and you promote a clause to Clause Library, the system automatically creates an active version (v1.00) of the clause template. For more information about Template Versioning, see Template Versioning topic in this guide.