In order for certain X-Author for Contracts on the Conga Platform features to be enabled, you need to run specific APIs.  The following sections explain the different API endpoints that need to be executed for some selected features. 

User Action Permissions

The following user action permissions allow you to view and access certain X-Author Contracts on the Conga Platform features for a specific user profile. Execute the following API to update the required user action permission.

API Details:

PUThttps://<RLP Base URL>/api/user-management/v1/objectpermissions/{objectPermissionId}

Pass the following parameters to allow access to the required feature. Please note that the following action permissions have to be passed on the Contract Object. 

URL Parameter 

Parameter NameDescriptionValue 
Object permission ID

This is a URL parameter. Enter the object permission ID on which you can enable the following action permissions. This must be the Contract Object permission ID. 

Enter the Object permission ID

Request Body Parameter

Parameter NameDescriptionDefault Value 


This is a request body parameter. This refers to the Contract Object permission ID that was passed in the URL. Contract Object permission ID


This is a request body parameter. This refers to the name of the object which is Contract. Contract


This is a request body parameter. This refers to the name of the permission group name. 


Pass the following field values on the Action Permission parameter. 

Action permissionDescriptionDefault value

Set this action permission to True to allows users to view the Contracts tab in X-Author Contracts on the Conga Platform. 


Set this action permission to True to allows users to view the Templates tab in X-Author Contracts on the Conga Platform. 

This must be set on the Templates object. 


Set this action permission to True to allows users to view the following save options on the Check-in document page:

  • With Redlines
  • Without Redlines
  • Final - to be signed

Set this action permission to True to allows users to view the following save options on the Check-in document page:

  • Update Current Version
  • With Redlines
  • Without Redlines

Set this action permission to True to allows users to view the following save options on the Check-in document page:

  • Update Current Version
  • With Redlines

Set this action permission to True provides full access to all the documents irrespective of protection type enforced at the document level.


Set this action permission to True to hide the Open and Open and Update option from the users. 


Set this action permission to True to disables the auto check out option for the user when they perform the following actions:

  • Create and check in offline document
  • check in contract document
  • check in template
  • Send document for review
  • Compare and merge document
  • Regenerate/regenerate with redlines

Custom permissions specific to X-Author for Contracts on the Conga Platform

Custom permissions are used to control the System Properties pertaining to a contract. Execute the following API to enable the required custom permissions.

API Details:

PUThttps://<RLP Base URL>/api/config-management/v1/configurations

Pass the following parameters in the request body enable the required custom permission.

Request Body Parameter

Parameter NameDescriptionDefault Value 
CategoryThis is a request body parameter. This refers to the category on which the system properties are being set. Since, these are custom permissions specific to X-Author, you need to enter category as X-Author. 


NameThis is a request body parameter. This refers to the name of the property. SystemProperties

Pass the following field values on the Value parameter. 

System PropertyDescriptionDefault value
AutoEnablePDFForFinalDocsSet this parameter to True to make sure the Create PDF Attachment checkbox is always selected when you choose to save as Final - to be signed from the check-in dialog. This field is used when you want to finalize a contract document.False
AllowPDFSelectionOverrideSet this parameter to True to override PDF selection. This is applicable when Auto Enable PDF For Final Docs is selected.False
AutoEnableReconciliationSet this parameter to True and the Reconcile Document option is always selected when you go to check-in a contract document.False
AllowReconcileSelectionOverrideThe following applies when you set this parameter to True. This is only applicable when Auto Enable Reconciliation is selected.
  • If Auto Enable Reconciliation is True and Allow Reconciliation Selection Override is True, the Reconcile checkbox is by default selected on check-in. The user can also deselect (override) the Reconcile button.
  • If Auto Enable Reconciliation is True and Allow Reconciliation Selection Override is False, the Reconcile checkbox is by default selected on check-in. The user cannot deselect (override) the Reconcile button.
  • If Auto Enable Reconciliation is False, the user can select or deselect the Reconcile checkbox on check-in. However, the Reconcile checkbox is disabled if there is no smart field in the contract document.
AutoEnablePrivateIndicatorSet this parameter to True if you want to auto-enable private indicator for documents. If set to True, the Make this document private checkbox for any contract document is auto-selected.False
AllowPrivateSelectionOverrideSet this parameter to True if you want allow the user to override the private document selection. This setting is applicable only when the Auto Enable Private Indicator is selected for documents.False
RestrictCheckinDocumentsSet this parameter to True if you want restrict documents under certain Status Category and Statuses for which Check-in and Check-out actions will be restricted. False
AllowRegenerateSet this parameter to True if you want display the Regenerate button on the X-Author toolbar.False
UnlockSmartElementsSet this parameter to True and the user can delete smart elements from the generated document.False
AutoEnableAsynchronousCheckinSet this parameter to True to auto-select the Asynchronous Check-in checkbox available on the X-Author Contracts Check-in pop-up window.False
AsynchronousCheckinRecipientSet this parameter to True to enter a recipient role (Contract Owner, Logged in XAC user or Both) to receive Asynchronous Check-in email notification.False
HideContentControlBorderSet this parameter to True to hide smart boundaries (for smart fields and clauses) in generated documents.False
AllowHighlightFieldsSet this parameter to True to highlight all the fields inserted in the document. False

Select a load type for the X-Author for Contracts add-in.

  • Select Centralized if users install the X-Author for Contracts 2.0 add-in using Centralized Deployment through the Office 365 Admin Center.
  • Select Appsource if users access the X-Author for Contracts 2.0 add-in through the Microsoft Store.

Custom permissions specific to CLM for X-Author for Contracts on the Conga Platform

Custom permissions are used to control System Properties, Document Version Settings, and PDF Security settings.  Execute the following API to enable the custom permissions. For more information, also see CLM Admin Setup

API Details:

PUThttps://<RLP Base URL>/configurations/Clm/SystemProperties

Pass the following parameters in the request body enable the required custom permissions.

Request Body Parameter

Parameter NameDescriptionDefault Value 
CategoryThis is a request body parameter. This refers to the category on which the system properties are being set. Since, these are custom permissions specific to CLM, you need to enter category as CLM. 


NameThis is a request body parameter. This refers to the name of the property. SystemProperties

Pass the following field values on the Value parameter. 

System Property DescriptionDefault value

Specify a value to apply a custom naming convention for all contract documents at generation, check-in and signature events.

The following attributes permitted when formulating a document naming convention are:

  • %checkintype%
  • %action%
  • %templatename%
  • %user%
  • %timestamp%
  • %version%

Contract attributes such as %:Name%. Note: any variable prefixed by ':' represents a field on the Contract object.
If the property contains a null value (i.e., if left blank), the current default naming convention will be used: %:Name%_%action%_%templatename%_%timestamp%

Example contract document name using the default naming convention: SOW_Regenerated_SOW ABC_2015-08-07

Document PasswordSpecify a document password. NA - If the value is not configured then it should error out.
PDF Security SettingsDescriptionDefault value
PDFSecurityEnabledSet this to True to enable PDF security that lets the users apply security settings to PDF documents and protect them with a password. False
AllowPrintingSet this to True to allow the users to print the PDF.True
AllowCopyingSet this to True to allow the users to copy the PDF.False
AllowCommentingSet this to True to give permission for the users to comment in the PDF. False
AllowFormFillingSet this to True to allow the users to fill forms using the PDF. False
AllowAssemblingSet this to True to allow the users to assemble the PDF. False
AllowChangingContentSet this to True to give permission to the users to modify content in the PDF. False
Document Version SettingsDescriptionDefault value
InitialVersionSpecify the initial version number of a newly generated or uploaded document. If you want the document versioning to start from 0.0.0, specify 0 and if you want to start the document versioning to start from 1.0.0, specify 1. 1.0
IncrementCheckinWithRedlinesSpecify the document version increment factor when the document is checked in using the option With Redlines from X-Author Contracts for Microsoft Word. Specify Major if you want to increment the major version number of the document and specify Minor if you want to increment the minor version number of the document. Minor
IncrementCheckinWithoutRedlinesSpecify the document version increment factor when the document is checked in using the option Without Redlines from X-Author Contracts for Microsoft Word. Specify Major if you want to increment the major version number of the document and specify Minor if you want to increment the minor version number of the document.Major
IncrementCheckinFinalSpecify the document version increment factor when the document is checked in as Final- to be signed from X-Author Contracts for Microsoft Word. Specify Major if you want to increment the major version number of the document and specify Minor if you want to increment the minor version number of the document.Major
DocumentRegenerateSpecify the document version increment factor when the document is regenerated with the same template as of the original contract, from Contract Management. Specify Major if you want to increment the major version of the document and specify Minor if you want to increment the minor version of the documentMajor