X-Author for Contracts Advanced Current: X-Author for Contracts Advanced for REST API Developers PDF Download PDF Download page X-Author for Contracts Advanced for REST API Developers. Current page Include child pages All pages X-Author for Contracts Advanced for REST API Developers This section describes the REST APIs provided by X-Author for Contracts Advanced.TopicDescriptionWhat's CoveredThis section walks an API user through the list of REST APIs provided by Conga.Primary AudienceAPI developers.IT EnvironmentRefer to the latest X-Author for Contracts Release Notes for information on System Requirements and Supported Platforms.UpdatesFor a comprehensive list of updates to this section for each release, see the What's New in X-Author Advanced for Contracts topic.Before using X-Author for Contracts Advanced API, you must be familiar with the following:Basic knowledge of REST APIs and Conga PlatformConga terms and definitionsThis section describes the following topics: X-Author for Contracts Advanced APIs ×