If you find that some clauses are incorrectly marked, you can re-mark the clause or remove the identified clauses from the document. You can also mark other content as a field in the document.

To re-mark the extracted clauses

  1. Open Microsoft Word and launch the add-in.
  2. Log in to X-Author for Contracts Advanced and open the Agreement Document. 

  3. Extract data from the document using the Intelligent Discovery option and click Review Import Results. For more information on data extraction, see Extracting Agreement Data Using Intelligent Discovery
  4. In the Contracts pane, click Work tab and click Doc Clauses. The list of extracted doc clauses are displayed. 
  5. Select the incorrectly tagged doc clauses and click the more button(). The following menu options are displayed.

    • Re-Mark: To re-mark the selected clause in the document.

    • Delete: To delete the clause.
  6. Click Re-Mark

  7. Click Re-mark on the confirmation dialog that appears. This removes the incorrect doc clauses and creates a new doc clause as per the new marking. 

To remove a marked clause after Intelligent Discovery

  1. Open Microsoft Word and launch the add-in.
  2. Log in to X-Author for Contracts Advanced and open the Agreement Document.

  3. Extract data from the document using the Intelligent Discovery option and click Review Import Results. For more information on data extraction, see Extracting Agreement Data Using Intelligent Discovery
  4. In the Contracts pane, click Work tab and click Doc Clauses.
  5. Select the incorrectly tagged clause and click the More button().
  6. Click Delete
  7. Click Delete on the confirmation dialog that appears. 

Additionally, clauses and fields extracted by Intelligent Discovery are converted into smart clauses and fields. Upon check-in with reconciling, it will promote all marked clauses.