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Importing Offline Agreements

Using X-Author Contracts you can import a document that has not been saved in CLM. Using this feature you can attach it to a pre-existing agreement record. Similar to creating a new agreement, when you choose to associate the document with a pre-existing agreement record, it is added to the documents-related list for that agreement. Unlike creating a new offline agreement, importing an agreement offline does not create a new agreement record, but rather attaches your offline document to a pre-existing agreement record.

To import an offline agreement

  1. Open Microsoft Word and launch the add-in.
  2. Log in to X-Author for Contracts and open the Agreement Document.
  3. In the Contracts pane go to Start > Search Agreements.
  4. In the Search Agreements field enter the full or partial agreement name and click the Search icon () to locate your agreement.
  5. Click the Expand () button next to the agreement name to see more details and click Check In Offline.

    The Import Offline functionality can be made available to specific user profiles using the xa_disableimportoffline setting. When set to true, then this feature is not available for the specific user, and when the user hovers over the button, they can see the “Contact your administrator to access this feature” message. However, when set to false, the button is available for use by users. For more information, see Custom Permissions.

    Your document is checked in offline. The document is opened in a new Microsoft Word instance. Note that if the xa_disableautocheckout profile permission is set to true in Conga CLM, after clicking save, you will only see the confirmation message. The document will not open in a new instance. For more information on disabling auto check out, see Assigning Custom Permissions to User Profiles.

After checking in the document, you can view the checked in agreement under the agreement record in Conga CLM where you have the list of related documents. The imported agreement does not have a template associated with it. You can also send the offline agreement for review when the Parallel review comply system property is enabled. For more information, see Sending an Agreement Document for Parallel Review.