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Use Case: Managing Localization

This topic describes how a template administrator can create a template using X-Author for Contracts (Windows) with Japanese locale, generate a document using the template, and review it in X-Author for Contracts (MAC).


  • You must create the template in X-Author for Contracts using the latest X-Author for Contracts Salesforce template.
  • You must disable the Enable Template Versioning property in the Conga CLM comply system properties.

Defining locale settings for a new template in X-Author for Contracts

To define locale settings for a new template in X-Author for Contracts

  1. Open Microsoft Word and click Connect on the Templates or Contracts and select Manage Connections.
  2. In the Create a new connection section, enter a name for the connection and enter the host URL of your CRM in the Login URL field. The login URL is the URL of the CRM with which you want to connect.
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. Click New.
    The Specify Template Attributes dialog opens.
  5. Enter the following values in the fields and then click OK.
    1. Type: Select Agreement
    2. Business Object: Select Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c
    3. Locale: Select Japanese
    4. Enable Formatting: Select the checkbox
    5. Date Format: Select yyyy'年'M月'd'日'
    6. Currency Format: Select Currency Symbol
    7. Number Precision: Enter 2
    8. Currency Precision: Enter 2
  6. Navigate to Templates tab.
  7. Paste the following content in the document:
    This Master Service Agreement "Agreement" with XYZ corporation and has a start date of "Agreement Start Date".
  8. Select Agreement in the content and click Insert Fields.
  9. Select Agreement Name and click Finish.
  10. Select Agreement Start Date in the content and click Insert Fields.
  11. Select Agreement Start Date and click Finish. Mark the Agreement Start Date field as smart.

    The Control Panel shows all the field present in the template and when you select a field the Properties pane is displayed under the Navigation pane of the Control Panel. From the Properties pane, under Display Attributes, you can change or define the format for Number, Currency, and Date fields.

  12. Click Check-In.

    You can change the locale of a template in the check-in window.

  13. Enter the following values in the fields:
    1. Name: Enter JLocale
    2. Agreement Types: Select Corporate
    3. Category: Select Category
    4. Subcategory: Select Subcategory
    5. Language: Select Japanese
  14. Click Check-In.
  15. Log into the Conga CLM application.
  16. Navigate to the Agreements tab, and click New.
  17. Select Corporate from the Record Type of new record and click Continue.
  18. Enter the following values in the fields:
    1. Agreement Name: Enter JAgreement
    2. Agreement Start Date: Select 5/20/2019
    3. Account: Acc
  19. Click Continue and click Save.
  20. Select JLocale as the template and click Generate.
  21. Open the generated document in X-Author for Contracts. The locale settings in the document are inherited from the template.
  22. Change the agreement start date to 2020年8月21日.
  23. Insert a clause with smart fields. All the fields are updated based on the template locale
  24. Navigate to Doc Fields and click Validate.
    All the fields are validated based on the template locale and template date format.
  25. Change smart field values in the Conga CLM application and click Update from CLM. The field values are updated in X-Author for Contracts as per the template locale.
  26. Change the agreement start date to 2020年8月22日.
  27. Click Preview Reconcile or Reconcile to view the locale based changes in the agreement document.
  28. Click Check-In.

    You can also use the above steps to create a clause template and generate the clause document.