When sending a document for parallel review, the contract administrator can send agreement documents for internal review, external reviews, and mixed using Office 365 from CLM. The advantage of this mixed review is that the document can be sent to external and internal users simultaneously. Based on the access permission provided to the reviewers, both internal and external users can edit and make changes to the document. When a document is sent for mixed review, the reviewers receive an email link to the document. On clicking the link, the document opens in online Microsoft Word.

Points to be noted during the mixed review

  • Multiple reviewers can open the document at the same time using the online Microsoft Word.
  • This document cannot be downloaded to the desktop unless the reviewer decides to save the document locally and open it. 
  • The reviewer can edit the document and inform the contract administrator after he ends the review. 
  • Since the review document shared with reviewers has full access mode with Track Changes, all users can view the changes made by other users. 
  • All the reviewers can accept or reject the changes in the document.
  • Reviewers cannot checkout the document in X-Author while the review is in progress.
  • All internal reviewers can use the online Microsoft Word Share button to share the document with other users. The external users do not have the privilege to share the document with other users. 
  • Special characters in document names are not allowed by Microsoft, so special characters in document names will be converted to an underscore (_) across all Conga Review Service clients and products.

For more information on this, see Sending an Agreement Document for Parallel Review using Office 365 Review.