Check-In Action is not supported in Apttus Omni.

The Check-In action saves the Excel workbook to the Notes and Attachments of a designated record and then unlocks the workbook and enables it to be checked out by another user.


Because the workbook must be attached to a single record, your app must identify at least one Individual object.

To create a Check-In action

  1. Click on the arrow beneath the Actions button and select Check-In
  2. In the Action Name field, type a descriptive name for the action.
  3. From Object, select an object and click Save. The list of objects includes only Individual Objects.
  4. In the File Name, select the option to type the file name that will be used when the file is checked-in.

    Field NameDescription
    Use Runtime FilenameSelect this option to allow your user to enter the File Name at run time.
    Manually Provide File NameSelect this option to allow your user to enter the File Name manually. Enter the file name manually.
    Use Cell Reference as File Name

    Select this option to allow your user to use a cell reference as the File Name. Select the cell and click the icon.

    This feature is not available with Presto apps.