The Save Attachment action saves the entire workbook or specific worksheets to the Notes and Attachments section of an Individual object. A new attachment is inserted each time this action is executed. This action does not provide any file locking. Use a Check-Out action if the file locking is required.

An attachment can be saved either in an Excel or PDF file format.

When an attachment is downloaded, the file name is the actual filename in your environment. <filename>.<extension>

Limitation in Apttus Intelligent Cloud environment

You cannot retrieve attachments.

If a file with the same name and extension exists, a sequence number is appended after the filename, such as <filename> (2).<extension> and <filename> (3).<extension>.

To create a Save Attachment action, at least one object must be identified as an Individual.

To create a Save Attachment action

  1. Click on the arrow beneath the Actions button and select Save Attachment.

  2. In Action Name, type a descriptive name for the action.
  3. In File Name, type a file name to be used when the file is executed.

    Field NameDescription
    Use Runtime File Name

    Select this option to use the existing File Name at runtime.

    Manually Provide File NameSelect this option to allow your user to provide the File Name manually.
    Use Cell Reference as File Name

    Select this option to allow your user to use a cell reference as the File Name. Select the cell and click the icon.

    This feature is not available with Presto apps.

  4. From Object, select an Individual object.
  5. In Format, select whether to save the attachment as Excel or PDF.
  6. Leave Custom Sheet Selection blank to save the entire file as an attachment or select the check box to save specific worksheets. Hold the Ctrl key to select multiple worksheets listed in Include Sheets.
  7. Click Save.