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Checking a Document's Approval Status

An approval-required check determines whether a document requires approval. If so, it starts the approval process.
CPQ Approvals
An approval-required check is default system behavior for CPQ approvals, and an approval process is not evaluated unless the approval status is set to Approval Required by the approval-required check. The preview, submit for approval, and request approval actions are only enabled when the approval status is set to Approval Required. For CPQ approvals, entry criteria must be defined in the product configuration object. Additionally, entry criteria filters can be defined for a line-item object if line-item parameters indicate an approval is required.
Approval Required Check on Pricing
For CPQ approvals, the system auto-executes an approval-required check on reprice, if Approvals is used.
Approval Required Check on Quote Update
For CPQ approvals, the system can also execute Approval Required Check on Quote Update if the approval-required criteria use quote header parameters. You can use quote header parameters in a CPQ approval required check using Formula Fields (Approvals) in the entry criteria search filters.

An approval-required check evaluates an approval process's entry criteria, determining whether approval is required while reducing the overhead of detailed process evaluations.

Approval criteria or conditions are defined using entry criteria-type search filters (approvals).

Approval required checks are primarily used with CPQ approvals but can also be used with approvals on other objects.

Use the following guidelines while defining entry criteria filters:
Entry criteria filters
Entry criteria type search filters (approvals) are used in approval-required checks.
Entry criteria filters on the primary object
These entry criteria filters are defined for the approval process context object. For example, if the approval process is defined for a quote/proposal, entry criteria filters must be defined on the quote/proposal object.
Entry criteria filters on the child object
If approval conditions are also based on approval context object parameters from the child objects, then entry criteria filters are also defined on the related child context object. For example, if an approval process is defined as a quote/proposal, but the approval conditions are also based on the proposal line-item object, then entry criteria filters must be defined on the quote/proposal line items object.
Entry criteria using parameters' related parent object
Entry criteria filters can also be defined on a given object using reference fields from the related parent object. For example, if an approval process is defined on a quote/proposal, the quote/proposal object's entry criteria filters must be defined. However, if approval conditions are also based on fields from an opportunity object (a parent of the quote/proposal) then you can define entry criteria fields using Formula Fields (Approvals). In the above example, the user must define Formula Fields (Approvals) on a quote/proposal object using fields from the opportunity object. Once these Formula Fields (Approvals) are defined, the fields appear in the field selection list for defining the quote/proposal object's entry criteria filters.
Guidelines for Defining Entry Criteria Filters
You can define multiple entry criteria-type search filters (approvals) on a given object. The system evaluates all these entry criteria filters.