Creating an Approval Process
A process definition serves as the framework for your approval process, providing options for setting up key objects like entry criteria, email templates, and approval summary pages.
Entry criteria define the conditions that must be met before an object record is routed through the approval process. For instance, you may want to specify that a certain approval process for agreements is only used when a discount of greater than 10% is given. While everyone may have a Salesforce dashboard set up to display outstanding tasks, having email templates associated with the approval process ensures that people are notified outside of Salesforce when they are required to approve an item, helping ensure the approval process does not stall.
Approval summary pages contain the information and action items that enable a record to be reviewed and approval actions to be taken. The default summary pages provide sufficient information for agreements, opportunities, quotes/proposals, proposal line items, and term exceptions ; however, the pages can be configured to provide whatever details are needed.
You can do the following using the Approval Processes tab:
- Create Rule-Based Approval Process or Ad Hoc Approval Process
- Specify the submit, approve, and reject actions.
- Specify email templates.
- Specify fields to be displayed in the approval request of an object record.
To create a rule-based approval process
A rule-based approval process is created.
To create an ad hoc approval process
An ad hoc approval process is created.
Setting Up a Rule-Based Approval Process
Setting Up an Ad Hoc Approval Process
Specifying Consolidation Settings
Consolidation applies to scenarios when a user is responsible for multiple approval items for a single document. In this scenario, you can use the Consolidated Notification and Approvals options to avoid sending separate approval notifications to the approver for each approval item. Consolidated Notification is the capability to send single approval email notifications to the approver for all the header or line-item approvals, when all the approval items become available for approval. This enables approvers to review all their approval items for a document as a whole, rather than revisiting the same document multiple times. When all the items become available, the system changes the status of all the approval items to Assigned and then you are allowed to independently Approve or Reject the assigned approval items. You can navigate to the My Approvals page (provides the list of all the approval items for the user for that document) in the application to take approval actions. From the My Approvals page, you can selectively approve or reject assigned approval items.
The Consolidate Notifications check box, when selected, enables the assignee to receive single consolidated assignment notification for all approval items. An approver then has the flexibility to approve or reject all or subset of the assigned requests. An assignee also receives consolidated e-mail notifications for cancellation and notify only requests. If an approver is defined for notify only steps, a consolidated notification email is sent after all the notify only steps are available. If an approval is cancelled, and the user is an assignee for multiple steps, the user receives a consolidated cancellation notification.
Email Approvals: In case of email approvals for consolidated notifications, when you approve or reject an approval using email, all the items that require approval are Approved or Rejected simultaneously. Email approval does not enable you to approve or reject individual approval items. You can then either respond to the email approval notification to approve or reject all the items assigned to the user or can navigate to the "My Approvals" page (provide the list of all the approval items for the user for that document) in the application to take approval actions. Within the application, from "My Approvals" page, user can selectively approve or reject assigned approval items. System will consolidate the approval requests as per the behavior specified above and send single notification for all the approval items that require approval from a given user when all the items become available, rather than sending separate notification for each approval item. The Consolidate Approvals check box when selected, enables the assignee to receive single consolidated assignment notification for all approval items. An approver can then either Approve All or Reject All the requests that require their approval.
- To bundle multiple approvals into a single approval action, select Consolidate Approvals. Consolidated Approvals only works when Consolidated Notifications is selected.
- To bundle multiple notifications into a single notification both via email and in Salesforce, select Consolidate Notifications. Consolidated Notifications can work independently.
- To continue the approval process even when the approver rejects an approval request, select Continue Pending Approvals on a Reject. The Continue on Reject flag means “Continue to assign all approval requests in the chain as if all requests before it were approved regardless of whether they were or not." This flag at the approval process level does not have any effect on the flag at sub process (Process Rule) level. This flag at the approval process level and at sub process level do not necessarily have to be the same.
- Click Next.
For more details and scenarios, see Consolidated Approvals, for more details.
Specifying the Custom Notification Email Templates
Specify the Custom Notification templates that are used when an approval request is sent to an approver or a reviewer via an email and click Next. You can specify the following email templates or leave the fields empty to use the default templates:
Custom Notification Templates |
Description |
Assignment Email Template |
This is used for emails that are sent to someone who has been assigned a task, based on the approval workflow process. The default is Conga Agreement Approval Notification (Assignment). |
Reassignment Email Template |
When an existing task is reassigned to someone else, this is used for the email sent to that person.. The default is Conga Agreement Approval Notification (Reassignment). |
Cancellation Email Template |
This is used to notify people when an approval process has been cancelled. The default is Conga Agreement Approval Notification (Cancellation). |
NotifyOnly Email Template |
This is used when the Notify Only option is selected in one of the steps. The recipient of this email does not have any action items. The default is Conga Agreement Approval Notification (Notify Only). |
Reminder Email Template |
This is used when reminders are set up. The default is Conga Agreement Approval Notification (Reminder). |
Escalation Email Template |
This is used when auto-escalation is enabled and an outstanding approval task has reached the point where it is auto-escalated. The default is Conga Agreement Approval Notification (Escalation). |
Select Comment Settings
Submission comments are comments made by the person submitting the request at runtime and can be specified at the process or step level. When enabled at process level, the user can enter a comment that applies to the entire process when the request is submitted for approval. When enabled at step level, the user can enter from one to three comments for each step that step comments are enabled for when the request is submitted for approval. Submission comment labels specified below should be the actual name of the custom label and cannot contain spaces. At runtime the value in the custom labels is resolved as the label used for the comment. Submission comment labels are defined at the process header level but can be enabled for each step individually.
- To customized comment that applies to the approval process or step when the request is submitted for approval, select Submission Comments Enabled.
- To enable mandatory comments while approving an Approval process, select Approval Comments. This flag impacts an Approval on Run time, Approval Summary page as well as Approval dashboard. When the Approval comment flag at process level is enabled, an approver has to add comments while approving an approval request.
- To enable rejection comments in an approval, select Rejection Comments. These comments can be entered by the submitter or an approver while approving or rejecting the request.
- Click Save.
Selecting Entry Criteria
If your approval process is rule-based, you must specify entry criteria for the approval process. Meeting the entry criteria for an object record triggers the approval process. You must select an appropriate operator for the field value, as there is no validation of operator-value combinations. If no criteria are selected, all records require approval once the approval process has been activated.
Setting Up Display Fields for Preview and My Approvals Page
Select fields to display for preview and My Approvals pages. A maximum of six fields is allowed per step.
- Header Display Field lists the fields that appear in the approval request header. Select a field from Header Display Field that appears on the record's My Approvals page.
- Select display fields from the Unselected Items list and move them to the Selected Items list for display on the My Approvals page. To add more sections to the Approvals Summary page, click Add Section.
- Click Next.
Setting Up Auto Re-approval Settings
- To set auto re-approval for the Approval process, select Enable auto re-approval.
- To enable deletion of previously approved requests before the request is auto-approved., select Allow approved requests to be deleted.
- Click Next.