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Unapplying Payment

Unapplying payment reverses the applied payment to an invoice. You can initiate unapply payment from invoices or payment records if a wrong payment is applied to an invoice or you want to make changes to the invoice itself.

The unapply payment is subjected to some restrictions, imposed in form of a setting. The setting is Unapply Payments Threshold, introduced on the Billing System Properties and on the Payment record object. Precedence is given to the threshold value on the payment record. The threshold value is used in conjunction with the Due Date. For example if the Unapply Payments Threshold value is set to 30, then you can unapply the payments 30 days after the due date. Once the 30 days limit is lapsed, the payments cannot be unapplied.
Note: If the threshold value is not a positive integer or is an unrecognized or null value, the application considers it as zero.

To Unapply Payment from Invoice Record

  • The Due Date is greater than or equal to today's date.

  • The invoice status is Approved.

  • The Payment Status must not be Unpaid.

To unapply a payment:
  1. From the invoice record, click Unapply Payments. The Unapply Payments To Invoice page opens showing a list of payment records to choose from.
  2. Select the payment record from which you want to unapply payment.
    Note: The full applied amount is unapplied. You cannot edit the value in the Unapply Amount field.
  3. Enter the Processing Options:
    • Send Payment Notification: Select this field to send an email notification to the billing contact when the payment is applied.

    • Override Email Template: Enter the email template to use when sending the payment notification email. If you leave this field as blank, default email template of the account is used.

  4. Click Submit. The Payment Unapplied pop-up opens confirming that due amount on the invoices and available balance on the payment records is updated.
  5. Click OK.
You are taken back to the invoice record page where you can verify that the status of the invoice is reverted to Unpaid if the entire fee amount is unapplied, or Partially Paid if a part of the fee amount is unapplied. The Total Due Amount is increased by an amount equal to the unapplied amount.

Related A/R Transaction records are created for transactions from each payment term. A destination Related A/R Transaction record is created with an increased Ending Balance equal to the unapplied amount.

To Unapply Payment from Payment Record

  • The Due Date is greater than or equal to today's date.

  • The Payment Status must be Applied or Partially Applied.

  • The invoice payment status must be Paid or Partially Paid.

To unapply a payment:
  1. From the payment record, click Unapply Payments. The Unapply Payment page opens showing all the paid or partially paid invoices of the account.
  2. Select the invoice to which you want to unapply the payment.
    Note: The full applied amount of the payment record is unapplied. You cannot edit the value in the Applied Amount field.
  3. Select the Processing Options:
    • Send Payment Notification: Select this field to send an email notification to the billing contact when the payment is applied.

    • Override Email Template: Enter the email template to use when sending the payment notification email. If you leave this field as blank, default email template of the account is used.

  4. Click Submit. The Payment Unapplied pop-up opens confirming that due amount on the invoices and available balance on the payment records is updated.
  5. Click OK.
You are taken back to the payment record page where you can verify that the Payment Status is reverted to Unapplied if the entire amount is unapplied, or Partially Applied if a part of the amount is unapplied.

Related A/R Transaction records are created for transactions from each payment term. A destination Related A/R Transaction record is created with an increased Ending Balance equal to the unapplied amount.