Billing Plans for Changed Assets
For Asset-based transactions, you can create a new billing plan and associate it with your new quote/Proposal. If you do not create a new billing plan, billing schedules are auto-adjusted based on the existing billing plans.
If you create a new billing plan to generate billing schedules for asset-based operations after the initial billing schedules were invoiced, the new billing schedules for the remaining term are created based on the new billing plan.
You can not add two billing plans to a single asset line item. You have to delete the already associated billing plan and then add a new one. If you directly add a new billing plan then it will replace the existing associated billing plan for that asset line item.
Scenario: Reducing the Term of the Asset
If you reduce the term of the asset and do not create a new billing plan, negative billing schedules that are auto-adjusted based on the existing billing plan are created.
Scenario: Increasing the Term of the Asset
If you increase the term of the asset and do not create a new billing plan, the newly created billing schedules are auto-adjusted based on the existing billing plan. Conga recommends using a new Billing Plan for each asset-based transaction.