Billing Plans to Accommodate Changes in the Quote
A quote can undergo a change after the creation of the Billing Plan. Changes in the quote can happen if a customer comes back with a request to change the net price, date or quantity. In such case, you need to edit the billing plan before finalizing the quote.
The following scenarios show the use cases for quote changes and how to change the billing plans accordingly:
Scenario: Changing the Quote Line Item after a billing plan is created
If you change the quote line item and do not update the billing plan, the amount per installment is calculated based on the original percentage set on the billing plan.
Alternatively, after making changes to the quote, you can edit the associated billing plan to bill the customers according to the changes made to the new quote.
Scenario: Adding a new quote line item to cart
In such sceanrio, the user needs to edit the billing plan to include the new proposal line item.
Scenario: Deleting a Proposal Line Item
No action item is required if you delete an existing proposal line item.
Scenario: Removing a Proposal Line Item from the billing plan
To remove a particular proposal line item from billing plan, edit the billing plan and deselect the proposal line item.