Object Name | Description |
Billing Metric | Represents a billing metric for a product or service. |
Billing Plan | Represents a billing plan associated with a product or service. |
Billing Plan Line Item | Represents a billing plan line item. |
Billing Schedule | Represents a billing schedule for a product or service. |
Billing Plan Template | Represents the template to create a billing plan. |
Billing Plan Template Line Item | Represents a billing template plan line item. |
Credit Memo Line Item Tax Breakup | Represents the tax break up for a Credit Memo Line Item (which is usually based on an Order). |
Credit Memo Line Item | Represents a single item in a credit memo. |
Credit Memo Tax Breakup | Represents the tax break up for a Credit Memo (which is an aggregation of the Credit Memo Line Item Tax Breakups). |
Credit Memo | Represents a credit memo associated with an account. |
Gateway Communication | Represents request and responses during a communication with a 3rd party Gateway. |
Gateway Transaction | Used to store the data from a specific payment/refund transaction (ex: authorization request or capture request and result). |
Invoice Line Item Tax Breakup | Represents the tax breakup for an Invoice Line Item (which is usually based on an Order). |
Invoice Line Item | Represents a single item in an invoice. |
Invoice Run Result | Shows the list of invoices created by an associated invoice run. |
Invoice Run | Represents an Immediate or Scheduled invoice creation batch job. |
Invoice Tax Breakup | Represents the tax breakup for an Invoice (which is an aggregation of the Invoice Line Item Tax Breakups). |
Invoice | Represents an invoice associated with an account. |
Payment Method | Stores the information needed to process a payment. |
Payment | Represents a payment. |
Refund | Represents Refunds given to the customer. |
Related A/Rtransaction 2 | Represents a single AR transaction related to the Invoice, Credit Memo, Payment, Refund etc.. |
Related A/R Transaction | Represents a single AR transaction related to the Invoice, Credit Memo, Payment, Refund etc.. |
Temporal Input | Object used to contain input fields required by pages that need to leverage apex:inputfield when gathering input for user driven actions (like creating Invoices) |
Usage Input | The usage input for a product or service. |
Usage Schedule | Represents a usage schedule for a product or service. |