This section lists changes in the documentation to support each release.

DocumentPublication DateTopicDescription


Full-Term Cancellation of Products

Revised the topic to add information about cancellation and proration of adjustments during cancellation.

Mid-Term Cancellation of Products

New topic. New feature for this release.

Mid-Term Cancellation Within the Billing Period

New topic. New feature for this release.

Billing Records for Change in Price

New Topic. New Feature for this release.

Change Action for Always Superseding

New Topic. New Feature for this release.

Change Action for Minimizing the Superseding

New Topic. New Feature for this release.

Updating the Fields on the Billing Header Upon Renewal


New Topic. New Feature for this release.

Splitting a Billing Schedule Record

Revised the topic to include split by Term.

Renewing the Billing of a Product

Revised the topic to add information about price type and subsequent renewal.

Managing Assets

Revised the topic to add information about managing assets on the Conga Platform.

Creating a Direct Milestone Custom Plan

New Topic. New Feature for this release.

Creating a Custom Plan

Revised the topic to add the following sections:

  • Querying BSDs of Milestone Type

  • Completing the Milestone

Billing Evergreen Products

Revised the topic to include the concept of Pricing Source.

One-Time Billing for Recurring Products

Revised the topic to include the concept of Pricing Source.

Billing One-Time Products

Revised the topic to include the concept of Pricing Source.

Managing Pricing Source

New Topic. New Feature for this release.

DocumentPublication DateTopicDescription
February '24


Splitting a Billing Schedule RecordNew topic. New feature for this release.
Splitting and Distributing the Billing AmountNew topic. New feature for this release.
Adjusting the Billing Amount With Manual EntriesNew topic. New feature for this release.
Creating a Billing Plan TemplateNew topic. New feature for this release.
Setting Billing Header to ContractedNew topic. New feature for this release.
Creating a Custom PlanNew topic. New feature for this release.
Renewing the Billing of a ProductNew topic. New feature for this release.

Full Term Cancellation of Billing Schedule Records

New topic. New feature for this release.
Billing Evergreen ProductsNew topic. New feature for this release.

Changing the Status of Billing Schedule Records

New topic. New feature for this release.
DocumentPublication DateTopicDescription
October '23


All Topics

New documentation is added in this release.