Managed Clauses are copies of clauses from the Clause Library that are tied to a specific contract or record. These clauses can be changed as the document is negotiated without impacting the master version in the Clause Library.

Best Practices for Managed Clauses

  • After the administrator creates Clause Bundles, end-users can add clauses to the Master Object record using Select Clause Bundle, which creates a list of Managed Clauses on the record.
  • When Composer is used to generate the document, the Managed Clauses are merged into the document and the document is sent to the counter-party for negotiation.
  • After negotiation is complete, end-users sync changes in the document back to Salesforce using True-up™. If Managed Clauses were changed, revisions of the clauses are created and stored in the Managed Clauses list, which can then be reported on.
  • If the administrator wants to update clauses in the Clause Library based on revisions made to Managed Clauses, they will create clause revisions, which creates a new revision in the Clause Library.