Download page Setting up a Process Builder for Clause Level Approvals.
Setting up a Process Builder for Clause Level Approvals
You can set up Conga Contracts for Salesforce so that clauses are submitted for Approval using Process Builder.
These following steps explain how to set up the process builder using the Purpose field. You are able to use different fields, or a combination of fields, to initiate a Clause Approval using the Process Builder.
To set up Process Builder for clause level approvals, take the following steps:
Go to Salesforce Setup.
Search for Process Builder.
On the My Processes screen, click New.
Under New Process, enter the following:
For Process Name, enter Clause Approval for Contract Agreement.
For API Name, enter Clause_Approval_for_Contract_Agreement.
For The process starts when, select A record changes from the dropdown menu
Click Save.
Click +Add Object.
For Object, select Contract Agreement.
For Start the process, select when a record is created or edited.
Click Save.
Click +Add Critera.
For Critera Name, enter purpose=submitforapproval.
For Critera for Executing Actions, select Conditions are met.
Under Set Conditions, click on Find a Field under Field and in the drowdown list select Purpose and click Choose.
Under Set Conditions, for Value enter submitforapproval.
For Conditions, select All of the conditions are met (AND).
Click Save.
Click +Add Action.
For Action Type, select Apex from the dropdown menu.
For Action Name, enter Submit Clause Approval.
For Apex Class, select Submit for Approval.
Under Set Apex Variations, click in the Find a variable field and select recordIds.
For Type, select Field Reference.
For Value, click Find a field and select Record ID from the dropdown list, and then click Choose.
Click Save.
Click +Add Action again to add another action.
For Action Type, select Update Records from the dropdown menu.
For Action Name, enter Remove Purpose Field Value.
For Record Type, select Select the APXT_Redlining___Contract Agreement__c record that started your process and then click Choose.
For Criteria for Updating Records, select No criteria - just update the records!
For Field, enter Purpose.
For Type, select String.
For Value, enter null.
Click Save.
Click Activate.
Click Confirm.
To submit Clause Level Approvals now that the Process Builder is set up, first create a New Contract Agreement record.
Add Managed Clauses that require approval.
Generate a document using Composer.
Now the document can go through multiple revisions. Once a Managed Clause that requires approval has been edited, the changes can be submitted for Approval.
After you've finished the View Redlines process of the new Contract Agreement, click on the Contract Agreement Details tab.