Setting up CLM (Contracts for Salesforce) with Composer and Orchestrate to create a contract agreement record

CLM (Contracts for Salesforce), when not installed as a managed packages, allows several configuration options for you to setup contract management. The following is the process to setup CLM (Contracts for Salesforce) using Conga Composer and Conga Orchestrate as solutions to create a contract agreement record. 

Setting up CLM (Contracts for Salesforce)

To begin this process, you must first create a Microsoft Word template for CLM (Contracts for Salesforce), and then set up your Clause Library. 

  1. Follow the steps in Configuring a CLM (Conga Contracts for Salesforce) Word Template Solution to create your first template. The following is an example of the Microsoft Word Template format to use for a Master Subscription Agreement: 

  2. When your template is complete, set up your Clause Library with Clause Library for CLM (Conga Contracts For Salesforce

Setting up Conga Composer

Next, you will go to the Conga Composer application for more setup and configuration.  

  1. You must create a Conga Composer solution to generate templates. 
  2. Next, add queries to your solution. The following are two examples of queries to use in Conga Composer for this specific process:

    SELECT APXT_Redlining__Latest_Revision_Text__c, APXT_Redlining__Text_Rich__c, Id, APXT_Redlining__Order__c
    FROM APXT_Redlining__Managed_Clause__c
    WHERE [Object].ID = '{pv0}'
    ORDER BY APXT_Redlining__Order__c ASC
    SELECT APXT_Redlining__Latest_Revision_Text__c, APXT_Redlining__Text_Rich__c, Id, APXT_Redlining__Order__c
    FROM APXT_Redlining__Managed_Clause__c
    WHERE [Object].ID = '{pv0}'
    AND APXT_Redlining__Clause_Type__c = 'Definitions'
    ORDER BY APXT_Redlining__Order__c ASC

    When you install Contracts for Salesforce on any given object it automatically creates a parent lookup field, but changes the name of it based on which object is being used. On the above example, the managed clause used corresponds to a generic object that is also used. 

  3. Add Parameters to your solution. The following parameters are recommended for this process:

Setting up Conga Orchestrate

After you've finished creating your Conga Composer solution, go to the Conga Orchestrate application to create a definition to add clauses to the process. 

  1. First, create a Process Definition
  2. Then create a step that adds Managed Clause Bundles to the definition.