Conga Product Documentation

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Supported File Sizes in Classic

The following table lists the maximum file sizes you can upload for each use case:

Use Case

File Size Limit

Uploading large files while importing or creating offline documents

10 MB (Limited by / Classic-Apex)

Importing an agreement document through Intelligent Import

200 MB (Limited by Kira)

Sending agreement documents for review, wet signature, or parallel review

10 MB (Limited by Email template object)

Emailing agreement attachments or emailing in-effect view documents

300 MB

Sending an agreement document for Microsoft Teams Review

10 MB (Limited by MS Teams)

Activating an agreement

15 MB (Limited by governor limits while copying a file)

Merging documents

25 MB

Searching agreement documents

10 MB

Uploading a document to Contract Management from KIRA (XAJS API)

25 MB