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Contract Wizard in Classic

Use the Contract Management Contract Wizard to run custom, user-friendly Wizards based on any standard or custom Salesforce object (Agreements, Accounts, Proposals, Leads, etc.). These Wizards are intended to be used by sales representatives, purchasing agents, HR managers, and other users to quickly create their own records by entering responses to criteria-based inputs that follow a logical series of steps. Wizards can also be used to collect data from customers to be posted to internal systems or for other business use.

Use the Wizards tab to run Wizards from the existing Wizard Designs. You can easily search and select from Wizard designs to create well-formed records. Wizards also contain a feature that allows users to review their responses prior to submission, returning to previous steps to make changes or corrections. Users can also use the tab to resume completion of in-progress Wizards or review completed or aborted Wizards.

For information on creating Wizards using the Wizard Designer, see Contract Wizard.

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