Conga Product Documentation

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Accessing Apps

After logging into Conga RLP, you can view the Launch your Conga Experience user interface and the App Launcher (), Conga Start ( ), and the Apps () icons.

The App Launcher () offers a centralized interface for searching for apps, switching between apps, and personalizing favorites for quick access. Go to the Conga Platform Administration dashboard and click the App Launcher( ) icon to access App Launcher. The App Launcher user interface has four main sections: Apps, Shared Apps, Explore All, and Versions Info.
  • Apps: Revenue Lifecycle apps (for example, Contracts, Revenue, Document Management, and so on) and Administration apps.
  • Shared Apps: Common applications used across the Conga Platform (for example, Approvals, Reports and Dashboards, and so on.)
  • Explore All: A list of all the available groups and apps within the platform application.
  • Versions Info: Information about all the current versions of applications available within the platform application.

Conga Start () opens the Launch your Conga Experience user interface providing quick access to the applications for starting new processes or workflows within Conga Platform

Apps () displays the applications that are currently available in Conga RLP. It gives you easy access to the different applications and modules that are part of the Conga Platform environment, for example, Contracts, Revenue, Document Management, and so on. You can use the search bar to search for specific apps based on keywords