Search for Contacts

You can search contacts on the contacts list page using the basic search or advanced search.

To search contacts

  1. On the contacts list page, enter a search term in the search bar and press Enter

    You can search based on the contact name.

  2. Click the Advanced Search icon () to apply filters to your search results results and display the Advanced Search window..
  3. Click Add Criteria.
  4. Select a field to be used in the filter criteria.
  5. Select an operator from the drop-down. The operator defines the relationship between the field and the value. The list of available operators varies depending on the data type of the chosen field.
  6. Enter the value of the field. The type of value field depends on the field selected.
  7. To add another filter, click Add Criteria and repeat steps 4, 5, and 6.

    Click the delete icon () next to the search query to remove the search criteria.

    Click Remove All to remove multiple search criteria.

  8. Click Apply. CLM returns the contacts that match the criteria.