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About Solution Manager

Conga Composer Solution Manager dramatically accelerates the creation of document automation solutions. Conga Composer's Solution Manager provides an all-in-one workspace to create and manage solutions.

To effectively and fully use Solution Manager, Unlimited Edition and Enterprise Edition Salesforce users must enable the Modify All Data and Customize Application permissions at the Salesforce Profile level. Failure to enable these permissions prevents you from creating or updating your buttons.

From one Solution Manager record, you can:

In addition, Solution Manager maintains an archive of the button changes, so you can review a button URL's history and can easily revert to a previous version. Solution Manager is included in Conga Composer release 8.7 and above. Solution Manager also includes an integrated Global Merge (formerly called QuickMerge), to quickly produce reports and gather information from multiple objects. You can also build button URLs manually. For more information, see Build Button and Link URLs Manually.