To get Site ID and Parent Folder

  1. Go to your Sharepoint admin center, and sign in with an account that has admin permissions for your organization.
  2. Navigate to Sites > Active Sites.
  3. Find out the following information:
    1. site-url: Refer to the following image to find the site-url.
    2. tenant: It can be found in the URL of your Sharepoint organization. As an example, documentdeliverydev is a tenant in this case.
  4. Fill out this https://<tenant><site-url>/_api/site/id with the information gathered in Step-3. It looks like this:
  5. Paste the URL from Step-4 into a web browser. You will be redirected to a page similar to the one shown below. Copy and save the SiteId (for example, highlighted in red).
  6. Navigate to the SharePoint folder where you want to upload or fetch a file. It looks like this: Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=/sites/BobbyTestSite/Shared Documents/Folder1/Folder2&viewid=a9475809-2cdb-412c-943a-559f810d7dab.
    You can find the ParentFolder in the URL. (In this case, Folder1/Folder2)

FileId for GRAB API:

FileId in the Grab payload is a siteId followed by a comma-separated path to a template file. For example: suppose you have a nested folder called Folder1/Folder2 that contains a file called test1.docx in it. The FileId looks like this: fd2bf294-42bf-42d9-b3c7-87f2e88c8ce7,Folder1/Folder2/test1.docx (format: siteId,path to a template file)

FileId for SEND API:

FileId in the Send payload is a comma-separated siteId and path. For example: suppose you have a nested folder called Folder1/Folder2. The FileId looks like this: fd2bf294-42bf-42d9-b3c7-87f2e88c8ce7,Folder1/Folder2 (format: siteId,path)