You can upgrade the Conga Batch application to Release 8.

  1. Log into the Salesforce instance in which Conga Batch Release 7 is installed.
  2. Un-schedule the existing Conga Batch 7 schedules.
  3. Install Conga Batch or Install Conga Batch in a Sandbox
  4. Select a security level for the Conga Batch application.
  5. Conga recommends selecting Install for All Users, as anyone who launches batched merges through Conga Batch requires access to the Conga Batch app components.
  6. Click Upgrade. Upgrade Complete! appears confirming that the Conga Batch package has been successfully upgraded.

The Conga Batch solutions built in the previous version of Conga Batch (Release 7) are maintained in the Salesforce instance when Conga Batch is upgraded to Release 8. These solutions continue to run on the Conga Batch Release 7 servers unless they are updated to run instead on the Release 8 servers.

See the following topics to learn how to upgrade Conga Batch solutions:

Upgrade Conga Batch List View Buttons to Run on Release 8

Upgrade Conga Batch Records to Run on Release 8