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Defining Template Locale

You can define locale settings for the agreement template or clause level and field level.

At the template or clause level:

  • You can specify the Locale and choose the Currency Format, Date Format, and configure Number and Currency Precision for the whole template when you create or clone a template or clause.

    For date fields, the date formats are displayed based on the selected Locale.

  • You can also change the locale of a template or clause at check-in.

At the template field level:

  • You can use the Template Fields tab to define locale for Number, Currency, Date, and Precision fields.
  • You can also use the Template Fields tab to define Currency Format, Date Format, Currency Precision, and Number Precision for fields.
  • The template field level locale settings take precedence over template locale settings in the generated document.

To learn how to change field format by locale, refer to Changing Field Level Locale.