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Versioning Templates

Template Versioning provides a solution for versioning documents at the template level to track template versions against generated documents. Your organization's policies, requirements, legal, and business practices may change over time, requiring templates to be updated. Instead of manually keeping track of template iterations, you can use template versioning to track and manage every version of your template throughout its lifecycle. Template versioning maintains these different versions as the template changes, giving template admins the ability to activate specific template versions based on their needs and observe how the template looked at every stage in the authoring process. Template versioning applies to all types of templates in your library.

In summary, template versioning allows template admins to:

  • Survey older contracts by viewing their corresponding template version to understand what was in the template at generation.
  • Revert to previous template versions.
  • Understand the growth and evolution of a given template.

Each time a new template is created or checked in, an instance of the template is generated. For each instance of that template, only one template can be considered active. When a user creates a new version of a template, the version information is incremented (e.g., from "1.00" to "2.00"), and the active version of the template will be considered to generate an agreement.

You can open any template version from the repository and make changes to static text and other content in the document. When the document is finalized, you can check in the template and modify properties as needed (for example, you can change which agreement types it is associated with).

To open a template version

  1. Log in to Conga for Google Docs.
  2. Click Templates from the Home page or navigate to the Menu () icon and click Templates.
    The template list appears.
  3. Use the Search box to find a specific template by keyword.
  4. Press Enter to display a list of templates that match your search criteria.
  5. From the list of templates, hover over the template name link's Info () icon.
    A pop-up window displays the selected template's name, active version, last modified information, agreement type, etc.
  6. Click View All Version to list available template versions.
  7. Click the Expand () icon near the template version to view the comments saved for that template version.
  8. To open a template version, click the Open button. Your document is opened in a new Google Docs instance.

    You can modify the template per your requirement and check in your template.

If a template is locked by another user, the system provides a validation message indicating that the template is locked. You can wait until the template is unlocked and attempt to open it later. Use the Refresh () icon to get the updated locking status of the template.