Creates a record at runtime for a specific object using specified fields. You need to select all the required fields to create a record and provide the appropriate values within the activity. When the activity is triggered, a record with the specified field values will be created for the object.

  • Group: Data

  • Nature: Non-Blocking

The workflow administrator is responsible for ensuring all required fields are filled in before creating an object record. If any required fields are missing, the record creation will fail.


When an agreement is created, if its total contract value exceeds a specific threshold, a related clause needs to be added automatically. You can achieve this by using the Create Record activity to generate a clause record associated with the agreement.

Properties and activity information

Properties represent the values used to perform the operations of an activity and Entry Criteria serve as conditions that determine whether an activity should be executed.



Object Name

Search and select the object for which you want to create a record.

Set Field

Specify fields and their values:

Field: Select the field you want to add. You can choose from all available fields in the context object.

Value: You can either manually enter the field data or use dynamic values based on variables or formulas. Place the cursor in the text box, and the system will suggest options based on the field's data type.

  • Manual Entry: Enter the value directly in the text box. Supported data types include standard types as well as more complex types like Lookup, Currency, and Multi-Picklist.

    Complex data types sample

    Lookup: {"Id":"28c22389-9441-4332-a6db-b4628e4b6cb0","Name":"ABC Corp"}
    Currency: {"Value":12000}
    Multi Picklist: ["Large Enterprise","Consumers & Vendors"]
  • Dynamic Entry: Choose variables, formulas, or context records to automatically populate the value. The system will evaluate and apply the generated value to the corresponding field. To learn more about creating variable and formulas within a workflow, see Creating Workflows.

Entry Criteria

Entry Criteria

Set the conditions that must be met to execute the activity.

  • Field: Select the field you want to set as the condition criterion. It lists fields associated with the object you have selected at the time of workflow creation.
  • Operator: You must select the logical operator from the list. This forms the relationship between the field and its value.
  • Value: The value field changes based on the selected operator options. Enter or select the value for the specified field.

To add more conditions, click Add Criteria. To remove all conditions, click Remove All.

Filter Expression

By default, the application applies AND logic to all criteria. You can adjust this to create more complex logical expressions if needed. You can customize your logic using parentheses, AND, OR, and NOT.

For example, if you enter “(1 AND 2 AND 3) OR 4”, the system will evaluate whether all three of the first conditions are true, or if the fourth condition is true.

Criteria Expression

Displays the criteria expression based on the selected field, operator, and value condition.

NameEnter the technical name of the activity.
Display NameThis field auto-populates but can be changed if needed.
DescriptionProvide a description that is relevant to the activity.