The Update Records activity updates the specified record with the field values you provide. You can update records on context objects, related objects, unrelated objects, and record collection variable data. This activity has two outcomes: Done and Fault.

  • Done: Indicates that the update was successful.
  • Fault: Indicates that the update failed.

The Fault outcome allows you to decide what actions to take if the update fails. It is triggered only if the database update operation fails. Under the Fault outcome, you can add activities such as sending an email or connecting it to another activity, like iterating through a loop.

  • Group: Data

  • Nature: Non-Blocking


When a contract is signed, the system automatically updates its status from "Pending Signature" to "Signed" using the Update Record activity. The flow triggers upon signing, updating the contract and possibly related records. If the update is successful, the flow proceeds with other actions, such as sending notifications. If it fails, an email alert is sent, and the system either retries or moves to another step, ensuring the contract status is updated and errors are managed.

Properties, Entry Criteria and activity information

Properties represent the values used to perform the operations of an activity and Entry Criteria serve as conditions that determine whether an activity should be executed.



Select Type to find records to Update and Set their Values

Select the type to identify the records or related records you want to update and set their values. Based on your selection, the system displays the remaining input elements on the screen.

  • Update context object: Select this option to modify the record of the the Context object linked to your current workflow instance.
  • Update related object: Select this option to update the record of the Related object associated with your current workflow instance.
  • Use the IDs and all field values from a record or record collection: This option enables you to update the data stored in the variable created by the Get Records Activity in the database.
  • Specify conditions to identify record and set fields individually: This option to update record for any object available in the system.

The system can fetch and update up to 2,000 records based on the specified criteria.


Search and select the context object containing the records you want to update.

Related Object

Search and select the related object containing the records you want to update.

Variable Name

Manually enter the Variable Name to update its value by referring to the Get Records activity. This variable's data is stored in the database and was created using the Get Records Activity. It can hold either a single record or a list of records from a specific object. This activity will update the data for both types in the database.


Set the conditions to narrow down the list of returned records.

  • Field: Select the field you want to use as the condition criterion. This list includes fields associated with the object selected during workflow creation.
  • Operator: Select the logical operator from the list. This operator defines the relationship between the field and its value.
  • Value: This field changes based on the selected operator. Enter or select the appropriate value for the specified field.

To add more conditions, click Add Criteria. To remove all conditions, click Remove All.

Filter Expression

By default, the application applies AND logic to all criteria. You can adjust this to create more complex logical expressions if needed. You can customize your logic using parentheses, AND, OR, and NOT.

For example, if you enter “(1 AND 2 AND 3) OR 4”, the system will evaluate whether all three of the first conditions are true, or if the fourth condition is true.

Criteria Expression

Displays the criteria expression based on the selected field, operator, and value condition.
Example: Agreement.Name.Contains ("GVS Motors") and Agreement.RecordType= ("MSA") ) or Agreement.Status= ("Request")

You can also specify the criteria in Liquid expression format to write conditions based on the current context object fields. To access the liquid expression editor, click the  icon and select the Expression option.
Example: If your workflow is defined on the Activity History context object and you need to fetch Agreement data, use the following condition:

Fields to Update

Specify fields and their values to update:

Field: Select the field you want to update. You can choose from all available fields in the context or related object.

Value: You can either manually enter the field data or use dynamic values based on variables or formulas. Place the cursor in the text box, and the system will suggest options based on the field's data type.

  • Manual Entry: Enter the value directly in the text box. Supported data types include standard types as well as more complex types like Lookup, Owner, Currency, and Multi-Picklist.

    Complex data types sample

    Lookup: {"Id":"28c22389-9441-4332-a6db-b4628e4b6cb0","Name":"ABC Corp"}
    Owner: {"Id":"28c22389-9441-4332-a6db-b4628e4b6cb0","Name":"Admin","OwnerType":"User"}
    Currency: {"Value":12000}
    Multi Picklist: ["Large Enterprise","Consumers & Vendors"]
  • Dynamic Entry: Choose variables, formulas, or context records to automatically populate the value. The system will evaluate and apply the generated value to the corresponding field. To learn more about creating variable and formulas within a workflow, see Creating Workflows.

To add more fields, click Add. To remove all fields, click Remove All.

Entry Criteria

Entry Criteria

Set the conditions to narrow down the list of returned records.

  • Field: Select the field you want to use as the condition criterion. This list includes fields associated with the object selected during workflow creation.
  • Operator: Select the logical operator from the list. This operator defines the relationship between the field and its value.
  • Value: This field changes based on the selected operator. Enter or select the appropriate value for the specified field.

To add more conditions, click Add Criteria. To remove all conditions, click Remove All.

Filter Expression

By default, the application applies AND logic to all criteria. You can adjust this to create more complex logical expressions if needed. You can customize your logic using parentheses, AND, OR, and NOT.

For example, if you enter “(1 AND 2 AND 3) OR 4”, the system will evaluate whether all three of the first conditions are true, or if the fourth condition is true.

Criteria Expression

Displays the criteria expression based on the selected field, operator, and value condition.

NameEnter the technical name of the activity.
Display NameThis field auto-populates but can be changed if needed.
DescriptionProvide a description that is relevant to the activity.