These common provisions generally apply to specific types of contracts.



Audit Rights

Designates if the agreement grants any party the right to audit any other party to an agreement.

Data Security Breach Notification

Designates if the agreement specifically states whether, in the event of a breach of data security (generally regarding customer information or PII) by one party, whether such party must send generic notification to other parties or notification that complies with particular laws.

Dispute Resolution

Designates if the agreement includes an arbitration requirement.

Exclusivity/Not Granted

Indicates that one party to the contract does not grant exclusivity to the other.


Indicates that one party to the contract requires exclusivity from the other. 

Governing Law

The state or foreign law that the agreement states governs the contract

Indemnification Provision

Designates, if the agreement includes indemnification provisions, whether they are unilaterally or mutually binding.

Non-Solicitation Period

How long after expiration or termination of the agreement that parties are restricted from soliciting employees or contractors from other parties to the agreement.

Pricing/Billing Frequency

Defines the interval at which the paying party will render payment to the party providing goods or services.

Pricing/Payment Model

Designates whether the agreement states services shall be provided on a Fixed, Retainer, or Time & Materials basis.

Pricing/Payment Terms

Defines how long, in days, the agreement states payment is due after invoice delivery. If the value is "Other," the text is displayed as the value.