CPQ Package Objects
CPQ is comprised of multiple packages as mentioned in the installation section and this page lists out the objects inside each package.
Conga Base Library
Conga Base Library provides a shared library of reusable components that the other Conga packages can use. The following table list the objects in Conga Base Library.
Object | Purpose of the Object |
Apttus UI Component Configuration | Object Records holds stored configurations for configurable higher-order components |
Apttus UI Component Provider | The object records store the information about Providers of all types that are implemented by consuming applications |
Configuration Action Provider (Deprecated) | Junction Object to Correlate Configurations to Action Provider(s) |
Configuration Action Provider 2 | Junction Object to Correlate Configurations to Action Provider(s) |
Conga Configuration & Pricing
Conga Configuration & Pricing gives you complete visibility and control of the quote-to-order phase of your sales process. Beginning in an opportunity, a user can select products or services, configure and price them for simple or highly complex scenarios, and produce high-quality customer-facing quotes and proposals.
Object | Purpose of the Object |
Account Billing Summary | Represents the billing summary for an account. |
Account Location | Represents a location for an account. |
Adjustment Line Item | Represents an adjustment to the price of a product/service. |
Agreement Price Rule | Represents a special pricing rule associated with an agreement or an asset. |
Agreement Price Tier | Represents a single entry in an agreement price tier. |
Application Feature | An object to contain features in the Applications, where Applications are Conga products like CPQ, CLM etc. |
Application Setting | Object to contain metadata about application settings. |
Applied Expression Info | Represents expressions applied to the configuration. |
Applied Rule Action Info | Rule actions that are applied to the configuration. |
Applied Rule Info | Keeps track of rules applied to a configuration. |
Asset Attribute Value | Represents the attribute values for a product class. |
Asset Attribute Value History | Represents the attribute values for a product class. |
Asset Line Item | Represents a product or service asset line item. |
Asset Line Item History | Represents a product or service asset line item history. |
Asset Transaction History | Represents a transaction that records the change to an asset. |
Asset Usage Price Tier | Represents a single entry in an asset usage price tier. |
Asset Usage Price Tier History | Represents a single entry in an asset usage price tier. |
Attribute Group Translation | This object holds the translated values of attribute group object fields for all the languages. |
Attribute Value Matrix | Represents the information about attribute value compatibilities or incompatibilities. |
Attribute Value Matrix Entry | Represents a row (entry) in an attribute value matrix. |
Batch Job (CPQ) | Represents an individual batch job. |
Batch Job (CPQ) Parameter | Represents a batch job bind parameter. |
Billing Plan | Represents a billing plan associated with a product or service that is part of a quote or order. |
Billing Plan Item | Represents a billing entry in a billing plan of a quote or order. |
Billing Plan Template | Represents the template to create a billing plan for a quote or order. |
Billing Plan Template Item | Represents a billing plan template item associated with the quote or order. |
Billing Preference | Represents a functional preference for billing purposes of a quote or order |
Bundle Component View | Keeps the list references of component products related to the bundle and sub-bundle. |
Cart Clone Info | |
Category | Represents a category. |
Category Hierarchy | Represents a category hierarchy. |
CategoryTranslation | Catalog Hierarchy field translations are stored in this object. Each Category Translation object holds a translation for a SFDC supported language for a defined Category Hierarchy Object record. |
Charge Group | Represents a group of charge types associated with a product or service. |
Charge Group Member | Represents the mapping between a charge group and the charge types associated with the group. |
Charge Type | Represents a type of charge for a product or service. |
Collaboration Request | This object will persist information for quote collaboration tasks and will be used to relate the parent configurations and its related child configurations. |
Constraint Rule | Captures information about configuration constraint rule. |
Constraint Rule Action | Captures information about rule actions. Rule actions are applied only when the rule conditions are satisfied. |
Constraint Rule Action Expression | |
Constraint Rule Condition | Captures information about the condition of a constraint rule. In order for a rule to trigger all or some of the rule conditions should be true and the combining expression should be true. |
Cost Adjustment | Represents an adjustment to the cost of a product/service. |
Cost Item | Represents a product entry in a Cost Model. |
Cost Line Item | Represents cost associated with base price of line item. |
Cost Model | Cost Model represents cost model of a FES or Factory. |
Cost Type | Represents cost hierarchy definition. |
Custom Message | Used to provide translation for messages used in custom objects. |
External Order Adjustment Item | Represents an adjustment to the price of a product/service. |
External Order Summary | Represents an external order summary associated with an account. |
External Order Summary Item | Represents a product or service line item associated with an external order summary. |
Favorite Configuration | |
Feature | Represents a single feature in a feature set. |
Feature Set | Represents a set of features shared by products. |
Field Expression | Represents a field expression. |
Footnote | Represents a single footnote in a document. |
Formula Field (CPQ) | Represents a formula field used in price dimensions and rules. |
Frequency Conversion Rate | Represents the conversion rates used to convert pricing from one frequency to another. |
G/L Account Map Entry | Represents a single entry in a G/L account map rule. |
G/L Account Map Rule | Represents a G/L account map rule to determine G/L account numbers for a product or service. |
Guided Question | Represents a question in a guided interview. |
Guided Search Rule Entry | Represents a single entry in a guided search rule. |
Guided Search Rule Filter | Represents a single search filter in a guided search rule entry. |
Guided Selling Rule | Represents a rule to search for products based on a guided interview. |
Help Doc | Object holds help documentation. |
Incentive | Represents an incentive associated with one or more products. |
Incentive Adjustment Item | Represents an adjustment to the price of a product/service. |
Incentive Benefit Data | Represents a single benefit data row associated with the incentive benefit. |
Incentive Coupon | Represents a coupon associated with an incentive. |
Incentive Group | Represents a group of incentives. |
Incentive Limit | Represents a single limit associated with an incentive. |
Incentive Limit Data | Represents a single limit data row associated with the incentive limit. |
Incentive Loyalty Enrollment | Represents a single customer enrollment into an incentive loyalty program. |
Line Item | Represents a product or service line item. |
Line Item Rollup | Holds rollup summary custom fields. |
Loyalty Point Accrual Adjustment Item | Represents loyalty points accrual adjustments for a product/service. |
Loyalty Point Accrual Summary | Represents a summary of loyalty points accrued for the account or contact. |
Milestone | Represents milestones associated with other business objects. |
Milestone Adjustment Item | Represents an adjustment to the price of a product/service. |
Milestone Template | Represents a template for creating milestones. |
Notification Feed | A generic object to contain Notification Feeds generated by any object for any page. |
Order | Represents an order associated with an account. |
Order Adjustment Line Item | Represents an adjustment to the price of a product/service. |
Order Fulfillment | Represents an order fulfillment associated with an account. |
Order Fulfillment Line Item | Represents a fulfillment line item associated with one or more orders. |
Order Incentive Benefit Data | Represents a single benefit data row associated with the incentive benefit for the order. |
Order Incentive Limit Data | Represents a single limit data row associated with the incentive limit for the order. |
Order Line Item | Represents a product or service line item associated with an order. |
Order Loyalty Point Accrual Item | Represents loyalty points accrued for a product/service. |
Order Pocket Adjustment Line Item | Represents a pocket price adjustment to the price of a product/service. |
Order Product Attribute Value | Represents the attribute values for a product class in an order line item. |
Order Rollup Data | Represents the dynamic rollup data for use in criteria. |
Order Tax Breakup | Represents the tax breakup of a product/service |
Order Usage Price Tier | Represents a single entry in an order usage price tier. |
Payment Term | Represents a payment term associated with a quote, order or an agreement. |
Permission Set Relationship | |
Price Breakup | Represents the price breakup of a product/service. |
Price Dimension | Represents a price criteria dimension. |
Price List | Represents a price list that contains the list of products the organization sells. |
Price List Category | Represents the categories associated with a price list. |
Price List Item | Represents a product entry in a price list. |
Price Matrix | Represents a price matrix associated with a price list entry. |
Price Matrix Entry | Represents a single entry in a price matrix. |
Price Rule | Represents a single rule in a price ruleset. |
Price Rule Entry | Represents a single entry in a price rule. |
Price Ruleset | Represents a rule set that contains the list of rules to modify prices of products the organization sells. |
Product Attribute | Represents a single attribute in a product attribute group. |
Product Attribute Group | Represents a product attribute group that contains attributes shared by products. |
Product Attribute Group Member | Represents the association between a product and an attribute group. |
Product Attribute Matrix View | Represents a denormalized (materialized) view of product attribute and matrices. |
Product Attribute Rule | Represents the rule definition of a product attribute value. |
Product Attribute Rule Action | Represents a single action in a product attribute rule. |
Product Attribute Rule View | Represents a denormalized (materialized) view of product and attribute rule. |
Product Attribute Value | Represents the attribute values for a product class. |
Product Classification | Represents a product classification which is a member of the list of products associated with a classification. |
Product Configuration | Represents a product configuration. |
Product Constraint | Represents a set of constraints a product must satisfy before it can be added to the product configuration. |
Product Constraint Entry | Represents a single entry in a product constraint. |
Product Constraint View | Creates product and constraint rule view table based on the definition of product scope in constraint rule condition. |
Product Default Rule | Represents a rule to default products, quantity, and term. |
Product Default Rule Filter | Represents a single filter in a product default rule. |
Product Default Value | Represents the default values for a product. |
Product Feature | Represents the association between a product and a feature set. |
Product Feature Value | Represents the feature values for a product and its associated feature set. |
Product Filter View | Represents the filter values for each product in a category. |
Product Footnote | Represents the footnote available in a product or option. |
Product Group | Represents a group of products. |
Product Group Member | Represents a single product in a product group. |
Product Hierarchy View | Represents a denormalized (materialized) view of product and classification hierarchies. |
Product Information | Represents information associated with a product or a classification. |
Product Option Component | Represents a product option component which is a member of the list of options associated with a product option group. |
Product Option Group | Represents a product option group which is a member of the list of option groups associated with a product. |
Product Option Price | Represents the price for an option or component. |
Product Translation | This object holds the translated values of product object fields for all the languages. |
Published Favorite | A junction object between Favorite Configurations and Price Lists to support many to many relationships. |
Related Account Location | Holds the relationships between account locations. |
Related Asset Line Item | Holds the relationships between asset line items. |
Related Incentive | Holds the relationships between incentives. |
Related Price List Item | Holds the relationships between price list items. |
Related Product | Related products are for up-sell, cross-sell or related products (search helper). |
Revenue Recognition Policy | Represents a revenue recognition policy associated with a product or service. |
Revenue Split Policy | Represents an order revenue split policy associated with a product or service. |
Revenue Split Policy Entry | Represents a single entry in a revenue split policy. |
Rollup Data | Represents the rollup data for use in criteria. |
Saved Search | Represents a saved search criteria. |
Search Attribute Value | Holds product search parameters and default values for line items. |
Search Filter (CPQ) | Represents a search filter. |
Service Location | Represents a service location. |
Setting Group | Object to group settings into logical sets. |
Smart Search Activity History | Contains a history of the actions occurring during the search process when connecting to the Azure system (activation, deactivation, sync). |
Summary Group | Represents a summary of line items. |
Tax Breakup | Represents the tax breakup of a product/service. |
Tax Certificate | Represents a tax certificate. |
Tax Code | Represents a tax code associated with a product or service. |
Temp Display Column | Holds information about columns displayed in the cart view. |
Temp Filter | Helps in the binding of search filter values. |
Temp Incentive Benefit Data | Represents a single benefit data row associated with the incentive benefit for the product configuration. |
Temp Incentive Limit Data | Represents a single limit data row associated with the incentive limit for the product configuration. |
Temp Object (CPQ) | A container for temporary objects used by the application. |
Temp Renew | Temporary object for capturing user input to create asset line item during the amendment/renewal process. |
Temp Renew Asset Group | Temporary object to store renew asset group processed by RenewOpportunityJob. |
Temp Renew Asset Line Item | Temporary object to store renew asset line item processed by RenewOpportunityJob. |
Temp Rollup Data | Represents the dynamic rollup data for use in criteria. |
Totaling Group | Represents a totaling group. |
Transfer Price | Represents association of source price like factory price with source cost like FES source cost. |
Usage Price Tier | Represents a single entry in a usage price tier. |
Conga Contract Lifecycle Management
The Conga Contract Lifecycle Management Suite gives you complete visibility and control of your contract process. This suite is easy to deploy and use; you can immediately gain benefits such as process control, high-risk management, and immediate ROI.
Object | Purpose of the Object |
Account Hierarchy | This defines a single instance of an account hierarchy relationship. It contains the leaf Id, the parent Id, the root Id, and the level. |
Admin | Store admin preferences and metadata. |
Agreement | Represents an agreement in the system. |
Agreement Action Condition | Represents conditions to enable agreement actions. |
Agreement Clause | Represents a clause associated with an agreement. |
Agreement Document | Links to agreement documents that are not stored in Conga/Salesforce repository. These could be URLs to files stored on a file server or document management system behind the client's firewall. |
Agreement Document Output Format | Holds default output format preferences by user profile and agreement type for use in the agreement document generation process. |
Agreement Explorer | A reusable, unique combination of Field Sets and Filter Sets. |
Agreement Hierarchy | This defines a single instance of an agreement hierarchy relationship. It contains the leaf Id, the parent Id, the root Id, and the level. |
Agreement Line Item | Represents a product or service line item associated with an agreement. |
Agreement Lock | Represents a lock on the agreement. |
Agreement Protection | Specifies protection settings for agreements generated by the Conga Contract Wizard and maintained by the Conga Contract Author. |
Agreement Rule | Specifies a rule used to evaluate various agreement actions such as submit request. |
Agreement Rule Condition | Specifies a condition used to evaluate an agreement rule. |
Agreement Term Exception | Term Exceptions associated with a given Agreement. |
Async Merge Call | Holds asynchronous merge calls. |
Content Event | Holds content events for subscribers to handle. |
Cycle Time Field | Holds the fields monitored for cycle time data capture. |
Cycle Time Field Data | Holds the data captured on fields for cycle time reporting. |
Cycle Time Group | Holds the groups monitored for cycle time data capture. |
Cycle Time Group Data | Holds the data captured on groups for cycle time reporting. |
Doc Assembly Component | Represents a single component in a document assembly rule. |
Doc Assembly Rule | Represents a single rule in a document assembly ruleset. |
Doc Assembly Ruleset | Represents a rule set that contains a list of rules to determine the sections to include in a dynamic template. |
Document Agreement Clause | Agreement clauses in an agreement document. |
Document Version | Represents a document version. |
Document Version Detail | Holds the version details of a document. |
Formula Field (Comply) | Represents a formula field used in agreement rules. |
Merge Event | Holds document merge events for subscribers to handle. |
Merge Event Detail | Holds document merge event details. |
Query Template | Query Template for building SOQL queries and filters. |
Query Template Filter | Filter expression used in a query. |
Query Template Qualifier | Filter used to select a query template. |
Related Agreement | To identify the different types of relationships between agreements. |
Retention Policy | Holds object retention policies. |
Search Filter (Comply) | Represents a search filter. |
Temp Object (Comply) | A container for temporary objects and attachments. |
Template | Contract language templates available in the system. These templates specify guidance, language, local settings, and include Word attachment templates representing the bulk of actual contracts that can be used when creating the first draft. Templates can include standard and non-standard language. |
Template Clause Reference | Represents a clause reference in a template or a library. |
Template Clause Reference Version | Holds Template Clause References for this version. |
Template Datasource Filter | Represents a data source filter associated with a template. |
Template Dynamic Section | Represents a dynamic section in a template. |
Template Dynamic Section Version | Holds the template dynamic section details for a given template version. |
Template Version | Holds various versions of this template and is a Master-detail to Template. |
Term Exception | Term Exceptions master table. |
Wizard | A runtime instance of the wizard design. |
Wizard Design | Holds all the wizard design records. |
Wizard Input Control | The individual question, instruction statements, and associated field attributes. |
Wizard Rule | Individual rules which are applied within a ruleset. |
Wizard Ruleset | A collection of rules that are applied to input control and steps. The system determines a ruleset at the level of input control expression formula, determine focus objects, record type, and step navigation rules. |
Wizard Runtime Input | Input Control instance within a runtime wizard. |
Wizard Step | The step that is designed and used in Wizard designs. |
Conga Quote Management
Conga Quote Management allows you to create customized proposals including pricing and sales content. The right pricing and content is automatically selected and assembled based on business rules so that the sales representative can quickly get a compelling sales proposal to the prospect.
Object | Purpose of the Object |
Document Collate Info | |
Proposal Document Output Format | Holds default output format preferences by user profile and quote/proposal type for use in the quote/proposal document generation process. |
Proposal Line Item | Represents a product or service line item associated with a quote/proposal |
Proposal Request | Approval requests for a proposal |
Quote/Proposal | Quote/Proposal object which holds dates and line items, many quotes/proposals may be related to a single opportunity, a quote/proposal may have many detail lines |
Conga Quote Configuration Integration
Conga Quote and CPQ Integration integrates Conga Quote/Proposal Management with Conga CPQ. It enables the user to select products or services, configure and price them for simple or highly-complex scenarios, and produce high-quality customer-facing quotes and proposals.
Object | Purpose of the Object |
Proposal Adjustment Line Item | Represents an adjustment to the price of a product/service. |
Proposal Footnote | Represents the footnote available in a quote/proposal. |
Proposal Incentive Benefit Data | Represents a single benefit data row associated with the incentive benefit for the quote/proposal. |
Proposal Incentive Limit Data | Represents a single limit data row associated with the incentive limit for the quote/proposal. |
Proposal Location | Represents the location available in a quote/proposal. |
Proposal Product Attribute Value | Represents the attribute values for a product class in a proposal line item. |
Proposal Rollup Data | Represents the dynamic rollup data for use in criteria. |
Proposal Summary | Represents the summary of a product or service line item in a proposal. |
Proposal Summary Group | Represents a summary of line items associated with a quote or proposal. |
Proposal Tax Breakup | Represents the tax breakup of a product/service. |
Proposal Usage Price Tier | Represents a single entry in a quote/proposal usage price tier. |
Conga CLM Configuration Integration
Conga Contract and CPQ Integration integrates Conga Contract Lifecycle Management with Conga CPQ. It enables the user to select products or services, configure and price them for simple or highly-complex scenarios, and produce high-quality customer-facing agreements.
Object | Purpose of the Object |
Agreement Adjustment Line Item | Represents an adjustment to the price of a product/service. |
Agreement Footnote | Represents the footnote available in an agreement. |
Agreement Incentive Benefit Data | Represents a single benefit data row associated with the incentive benefit for the agreement. |
Agreement Incentive Limit Data | Represents a single limit data row associated with the incentive limit for the agreement. |
Agreement Product Attribute Value | Represents the attribute values for a product class in an agreement line item. |
Agreement Rollup Data | Represents the dynamic rollup data for use in criteria. |
Agreement Summary | Represents the summary of a product or service line item in an agreement. |
Agreement Summary Group | Represents a summary of line items associated with an agreement. |
Agreement Tax Breakup | Represents the tax breakup of a product/service. |
Agreement Usage Price Tier | Represents a single entry in an agreement usage price tier. |