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Creating a Shopping Cart Experience

A CPQ administrator configures CPQ to create a shopping cart experience for the user.

Consider that ABC company sells products related to computers. Products including monitor, keyboard, mouse, Operating System, tools are sold by the ABC company. Each of these products can be sold as a stand-alone product or together as a bundle. For example, all of these products can be integrated as a bundle called computer where each of these products are options. Furthermore, each product has attributes associated with it. Attributes are features for a product. For example, attributes for a laptop are color, RAM, Operating System used and so on.You can configure attributes to derive pricing or enhance search options.

Each of these products has a price associated with it. Pricing can be different for each of these products sold as a stand-alone or when you buy a computer.

A sales representative can simply select a product when it is categorized rather than to search for the product from the huge array of products. A shopping cart experience for a user is enhanced when the user gets to search for his products based on some search criteria. The search criteria can be based on features of a products.

The sales of a product can be improved if user is advised to buy another product when he selects one product. For example, if a user buys a monitor, he will also be interested to buy a keyboard.

Consider that there is a holiday and the ABC company decides to promote a new product. User get discount of x% for all products from October to December.

All of this is configured by using CPQ.

Perform the following to configure CPQ:

  1. Defining the products and services
  2. Configure price for products
  3. Configure rules that define pricing discounts and offers
  4. Configure rules that guide user to buy products
  5. Define search mechanism to search based on attributes
  6. Run the maintenance jobs to update all changes made to products, bundle, category, and pricing.