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About Quote Lifecycle Collaboration

As a Sales Rep, you can request different users to collaborate on a configuration using the Quote Collaboration feature. The feature helps you to work with different users, called the Collaborators, and get their input on a configuration or pricing, merge the changes with the original configuration and finalize a single quote. Quote Collaboration allows you to assign a part of the configuration to Collaborator that you need help with, which helps you to limit the exposure of the entire configuration. You can use SalesForce Chatter to communicate with the Collaborator.

The following roles are participating in a Quote Collaboration:



Sales Rep

The Sales Rep initiates a collaboration process. Typically a Sales Rep is a member of the sales team and has a customer-facing role. The Sales Rep is in charge of sending out a single final quote to the customer.


A Collaborator is a product owner, manager, factory manager, or another user who has the knowledge about a particular configuration. Another Sales Rep can also be a Collaborator.

The following table describes the types of collaboration you can use:



In the Peer-To-Peer collaboration type, users from the same business units can collaborate on a configuration. In peer-to-peer collaboration type is selected, the entire line item is sent over in the collaboration request.


In the Multi-tier collaboration type, users from different business units can collaborate on a configuration. When you use the multi-tier collaboration type, only specific fields in the line items are sent in the collaboration request. Ideal for situations for which creating a cost structure is necessary when using transfer price mapping or any other collaboration scenario that requires a specific update of certain fields.