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About Favorite Configurations on the Cart

As a Sales Rep, you can use a saved configuration to add products to the cart and also save an already configured cart and use the same configuration multiple times. These configurations are saved using Save as Favorite feature. Favorite configuration enhances the product configuration and quoting process by providing the user the ability to create, share, and import favorite configurations or designs. The favorite configuration can be private or public.

The saved configuration also includes the products added through constraint rules and default options that are auto-included as well as products with Usage Price Tiers. You can add a favorite to the cart same as you would add any other product from the catalog. You can add multiple saved configurations to the cart.

The favorite configuration can be private or public. A private configuration is saved to your library and is only visible to you. However, public configurations are displayed on the Catalog page of all other Sales Reps as well.

You can also categorize the saved configuration using the filters provided on the Save as Favorite pop-up on the Cart page. You can use these filters to search for the saved configuration on the Catalog page similar to how you search for products using Refine Your Search.


The administrator must configure the Save as a Favorite feature. For more information, see Configuring Save as Favorite. The visibility of the functionalities provided in this feature depends on the permissions defined by the administrator for your user or profile.

Vertical industries in the quote to cash domain require a capability of favorite configurations. This feature is useful for the following scenarios:

  • Speed up quoting process – you can save frequently configured solution, which is complex in nature for its re-use at a later time.
  • Dynamic bundles – as a product manager, you have the ability to create, save and import a saved configuration as a whole.

CPQ provides the following functionalities in the Save as Favorite feature

Saving your Favorite Configurations

A button called Save as Favorite is available on the Cart to save the configuration for a particular Quote/Proposal. Select the products you want to save in the configuration and click Save as Favorite, a pop-up is displayed. You can customize the fields displayed this dialog box by using Favorite Configuration settings. The following table explains the different fields inside the pop-up.




Enter a suitable name for your favorite configuration. This name is displayed as a record under your Favorites category.


Choose an option for the visibility of your configuration record. The available values are, Public and Private. If you set this to Private, this record is visible to only the owner of the record. If you set this to Public, this record is accessible to all the users. The default value is Private. The visibility of this field depends on the configuration defined by your administrator.


Enter details about your favorite configuration.

Favorite Filters

Select values from the picklists to categorize the favorite configuration. You can select the values as you desire or leave the default values of the picklists that are displayed. Your admin must pre-define the picklists that are displayed on the dialogue box in the FavoriteFilters setting.

These favorite configurations are saved on Price Lists and can be used across multiple quotes.

The favorite configuration records are visible on the Catalog page only after you save your favorite configuration record and reconfigure the Cart.

Reusing your Favorite Configurations

As a Sales Rep, you can add a saved configuration to the quote. You can also add multiple configurations. When you add a saved configuration to the quote, a copy of the original design is created. This is useful in case if you want to edit the design on the quote without impacting the original design.

After you have saved your favorite configurations for a particular Price List and have associated this Price List with your Quote/Proposal, a separate category, named Favorites, containing your favorite configurations is displayed on the Catalog page. CPQ creates a clone of the favorite configuration records every time you associate the Price List with a Quote/Proposal. Ensure that the primary charge type is same on both the price lists.


You can set your favorite category to be displayed first when you have multiple offerings, using a custom setting Show Favorite as First Category. For more information, see Sequencing the Favorite Category on the Catalog Page.

Note that the rules (Constraint rules, Validation rules, and more) are carried forward in the cloned favorite configuration records.

You can search the favorite configuration records just like the normal products on the Catalog page using All Favorites option from the Search drop-down list. You can also use Refine Your Search to search for the desired saved configuration. While importing a favorite, you can also control whether you want to include discounts to the cart or not. The price of the favorite product is derived from the Price List associated with the Quote. You can only import a Favorite Configuration when your administrator has defined appropriate access for your profile.

For every favorite configuration record, Add to Cart action button along with the drop-down list containing Exclude Adjustments, Delete and Publish buttons is displayed on the Catalog page.

  • Add to Cart – this will simply put all the cloned Line Items (including Options, Attributes, and manual adjustments) of your favorite configuration record in the Cart.
  • Exclude Adjustments – this will fetch details of all the Line Items (including Options and Attributes, excluding manual adjustments) and add them to the Cart. The manual adjustments that you have applied to the original favorite configuration record are not carried forward to the cloned favorite configuration record.
  • Delete – this will delete a favorite configuration record. This button is dependent on the privacy defined for your favorite configurations. As a user, you can view all the public configuration records and can delete only those records for which you are the record creator or owner.
  • Publish – this will publish your favorite configuration record to another Price Lists. From the Choose Price Lists dialog box, you must select the price lists to which you want to publish your favorite configuration record. You can publish a favorite configuration record using the Publish button on your favorite configuration record in Salesforce also. Once published, this record shows up under your Favorites category of the Quote/Proposals that use the price lists containing these favorite configuration records.

You can control the fields displayed in the pop-up dialog box when you click the Product Name on the Catalog page. Similar to custom settings defined for normal products, you can create a separate record under Object Summary Settings for the favorite configuration record.

Name the new record as Favorite Configuration and select FavoriteConfiguration__c as the Object Name. For more information, see Configuring Object Summary Settings.


Multiple Adjustments Using Favorite Configuration

You can configure and add a product to the cart and then apply price adjustments to it. Save this product configuration as Favorite on the cart. Hence, next time you can leverage the favorite configuration to add multiple adjustments to products in the cart. This helps you save time and expedite the process of applying price adjustments using the Favorites on the Product Catalog page.

Providing Ability to Add Multiple Favorites with a Single Click

CPQ provides you an ability to add multiple favorite product configurations to the cart with a single click. On the Catalog page, if you click Add to cart for any of the Favorites, CPQ disables the Add to cart button for all the available favorites and enables them back when you complete pricing operation.